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Shoulder Bursitis Exercises

Medha Godbole
Exercises are essential to help heal the traumatized joints and muscles of the shoulder. However, it is advisable not to rush into these, unless the concerned doctor says so. Check out the given story to know what are the exercises for shoulder bursitis.
Bursitis is a medical condition which involves an inflammation of the bursa, a small fluid filled sac. This sac is located wherever there are bones and tendons, to facilitate a smooth movement of the joint. It acts as a padding or buffer between a bone and a tendon. Inflammation of bursa or bursitis can happen in shoulder, elbow, knee, hip and a few other joints. Shoulder bursitis is the most common amongst these.

Exercises for Shoulder Bursitis

Bursitis is accompanied by pain and increased sensitivity in and around the affected area. Even when the inflammation and pain in the bursa has subsided, shoulder exercises are necessary to regain the strength of the tendons and muscles in the shoulder.

Shrug Exercise

Stand tall and then shrug your shoulders up. Without putting too much of strain or lifting your arms, lift the shoulders as high as you can. For a few seconds, hold the position. This will help in stretching the tendons, which will eventually help them regain their strength. This is a good exercise for enhancing the stretching capacity of your tendons.

Squeeze Shoulder Exercise

Squeeze the shoulders backwards. Squeeze them backward as much as you can and stay in the same position for a few seconds. Follow this up with pushing the shoulder blades back and down. Once you feel the stretch in the tendons, hold the position for around 5 seconds.

Wand Exercise

Take a wand or a stick in both hands. Hold it in front of the body horizontally. Keep it at hip level. Now lift your hands with the stick to the shoulder level. Remain there for 5 seconds and then bring it down to the hip level. Repeat this 10-15 times. This will help in improving range of motion and will provide strength to your shoulder.

Pendulum Exercise

Here we are assuming that your right shoulder is injured. So, place a workout bench on the side of the injured shoulder or on the right side. Lean on the bench from the torso so that your body is parallel to the ground. Now hang down your injured hand and rock it in a clockwise motion for 10-12 times and then in an anticlockwise motion. Perform this exercise at least two times a day. This will relieve tension from the joints and will improve the range of motion.

Scaption Exercise

Stand straight with hands on your side and legs shoulder width apart. Hold soup cans in both the hands. Now slowly raise your arms to the eye level without bending the elbows. The position of the hands should be at a 30 degree angle to the body. Hold the position for 5 seconds and slowly come back to your original position. Repeat this sequence 10 times in one go and perform it for at least 3 times a day.

Side Pull Exercise

You will need a rubber tubing in this exercise. Tie the tubing to a door knob or any such similar object. Stand next to the door knob so that the injured shoulder is at the other end the knob. Now Hold the rubber tubing with the injured hand and try to pull the tubing across your stomach. Do this exercise slowing. Repeat it 10-12 times and if your shoulder hurts then give your arm some rest and then repeat. You will feel the resistance on your shoulder.

Stretching Exercise

Stand tall with arms straight. Now try to bring right hand over the head and with the help of the left hand hold the elbow of the right hand. Now pull the elbow slowly to the opposite direction. You will feel stretch which will relieve the tension. Repeat it with the other hand as well. Do not stress your injured hand too much. Repeat this routine 10-12 times.
On the whole, these exercises are not very difficult and hardly need any equipment. Moreover, these are a significant part of treatment. The key is to stop and hold the position where you feel the joint is getting stretched enough, without causing you pain or extra strain. Because if you overdo it, it is going to cause trouble. Hence go slow with all the exercises.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.