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Simple Partial Seizures

Ujwal Deshmukh
Be it simple seizures or complex ones, both are dangerous and hence, demand immediate medical attention. This article, throws light on simple partial seizures, explaining the causes and symptoms of the same.
Simple partial seizures, as the name suggests, are the seizures that pose an adverse effect on any small part of the brain and therefore, are not considered to be very serious. Defining it medically, they are actually electrical disruptions that mainly occur in any part of the brain and affect most of the voluntary movements of a person.
People encountering these disruptions are often aware of whatever is happening to them. Most of the time, they don't turn unconscious and also know that, they are unable to walk, move, or do other routine activities. Although not so serious, they should not be taken casually.
These need a proper medical intervention and that too, on a prompt basis. This is because, simple seizures could be the signs of a major or a generalized seizure in the future.


According to the medical definition of the above condition, one can conclude that it is the abnormal electrical disturbance in a single part of the brain, that leads a person to this problem. Some more commonly found reasons are aging and atherosclerosis, wherein, the cholesterol reaches the arteries of the brain and obstructs the blood flow.
Some more causes are, injury to the brain, existence of diseases such as, epilepsy, brain tumors, meningitis, etc. A single episode of the seizure lasts for a short period, which is generally from a few seconds to a few minutes. However, after the episode, the person turns completely normal, which means he can continue with his normal activities.


There are several symptoms of these partial seizures. They can affect any part of the human body and therefore, should be treated promptly. Some of the common symptoms are given below.
  • Sensations: In some cases, tingling, numbness, and crawling sensations are felt. These might be felt in a single part or the entire body.
  • Muscle Contraction: Abnormal muscle contraction is observed in many parts of the body, such as hands, legs, face, etc. This might also be characterized with abnormal head movements.
  • Recurring Movements: In many cases, involuntary recurring movements can be seen. In some cases, constant chewing, while in others, lip smacking can be observed.
  • Other Symptoms: Sweating, hallucinations, nausea, increase in heart rate, vision problems, mood alterations, and stomach ache
Simple partial seizures can be cured completely with prompt medical intervention and treatment. So the next time, you see a person encountering a seizure, take him immediately to the doctor for diagnosis.