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Sinus Headache Symptoms

Bhakti Satalkar
Knowing sinus headache symptoms will help you to find out whether you indeed have a sinus problem. Winter is often the time when people suffer from this problem, which is induced by inflammation of the sinuses.
Headaches make life miserable. They can be dull, sharp, sudden, persistent, or throbbing. Some people may also experience pressure on the forehead as well. It is difficult to differentiate between the ones induced by an inflamed sinus and a migraine, as both have facial pain associated with it.
To be able to differentiate between different types, you should know all about the sinus headache symptoms as well as the signs of migraine. In this article, we will concentrate on the former.

List of Symptoms

Sinuses are actually air-filled sacks, which are located in the forehead, cheekbones, and behind the bridge of the nose. Sinus headaches are caused either due to allergies or infections, as the sinus channels are blocked and mucus produced in them is not drained out. Blockage of these channels due to this infection is also called sinusitis.
  • Symptoms include fever, yellow-green or blood tinged nasal discharge, fatigue, and feeling of fullness in the ears.
  • Very often, the person may experience tenderness of the skin and bones over as well as under the eyes.

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  • Facial tenderness is often accompanied by a dull headache.
  • Pain and pressure around the forehead, cheeks, and peri-orbital area is one of the chronic symptoms.
  • Symptoms worsen if a person bends down.
  • In a number of cases it is seen that the headache assumes monstrous proportions if the person lies down. This is basically the reason why the headache is unbearable early in the morning after waking up from sleep.
  • Dizziness may also be seen in people who suffer from chronic sinusitis.
  • If there is a sudden in change in temperature, the pain can worsen and become throbbing.
  • The headache can also radiate to the back of the head as well as behind the ears and eyes. In some cases, it can also cause tooth ache.
  • The most common symptom is the pain which starts from around the eyes and gradually moves towards the temple.
  • In case of chronic and extreme headache, the person may also experience blurred vision.
  • If blowing your nose causes you more pain, then it is a symptom of sinusitis.
  • If exercising, especially cardios, makes your headache go from bad to worse, then it is sign of sinusitis.


The most important step is to treat the infection causing sinusitis. To treat the headache, there are anti-inflammatory medicines, decongestants, and anti-histamines. If your headache is not due to sinusitis and you take decongestants, it will cause the pain to worsen.
Hence, you should be sure that your pain is indeed caused by sinusitis before you zero in on the treatment. To relieve yourself, you can take some pain killers. If the pain is caused due to an allergy, an anti-allergen may be required.

Home Remedies

  • Breathing moist air will help in relieving you.
  • Taking a hot shower twice can also prove to be helpful.
  • The other option is to take nasal steam. This can be done either with the nasal steamer or by boiling water in a large pan and taking steam from it. Do remember to cover your head with a towel, when you take steam from a pan.
  • Cool mist humidifier is also beneficial for this condition.
  • Applying hot and cold compress alternately can also help to relieve you of the blockage. This method of applying hot and cold compress is : Apply hot compress for three minutes and then cold compress for thirty seconds on the sinuses. Applying these compresses at least thrice a day proves beneficial.
  • Hot and spicy soups can also be taken to treat sinus problems. These soups act as decongestants and relieve the sinus blockages.
If your head is throbbing, it is always good to let your health care professional assess if they are sinusitis symptoms or symptoms of some other underlying problem. If the headache is due to sinuses, with the help of home remedies, you will be able to get rid of the problem in a few days.
Disclaimer: This content is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.