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Causes of Sinus Pain In Jaw

Indrajit Deshmukh
Inflammation of the paranasal passages is known as sinusitis, and it can lead to a sinus pain in jaw. Maxillary sinus cavity is connected to the jaw and teeth, and infection in this cavity can result in jaw pain.
There are four air cavities in our skull that create mucus to guard us against infection and protect the brain against injury. These cavities located in the skull are ethmoids, frontal, maxillary, and sphenoid, and an infection caused by bacteria or fungus can cause severe headache, nasal congestion, and sinus pain.
Ethmoid sinuses are located between the eyes, frontal sinuses are located in the forehead, maxillary sinuses are located behind the cheek bones, and sphenoid sinuses are present behind the eyes. Sinusitis is of 4 types, namely, acute, subacute, chronic, and recurring acute sinusitis.
In America alone, 37 million cases of sinusitis are reported every year. Sinus infection treatment is mostly done with the help of antibiotics and in some cases surgery is required.

Probable Causes

➜ If the nasal passage is inflamed by an infection, it can affect the ostium of the sinuses, the ostium is the opening of the sinuses. If the opening is blocked, it can cause the mucus and air to collect, which can lead to sinus pressure in the jaw.
➜ This pressure is painful causing headaches and sinus cramps in jaw. A deviated septum, in some cases, causes difficulty in breathing and can block the nasal drainage leading to sinus discomfort in jaw. Smoking is one of the major reasons behind sinus problems, as it damages the cilia that are responsible for nasal drainage.
➜ Allergies are responsible for recurring sinus infections, and people who are allergic to dust and pollen are susceptible. In pregnant women, rhinitis is considered to be the major reason for sinus pain in jaw.
➜ Bacterial and viral infections also lead to sinus pain and are the leading reasons behind sinus problems. Another reason of sinusitis is fungal infection, but in most cases, they are benign and occur in individuals who are immunocompromised.
➜ People who go diving or swimming in polluted waters are the prime candidates for chronic sinusitis. Mountaineers who are exposed to varied atmospheric pressures might also need sinus infection treatment. You will need to watch out for other sinus infection signs and symptoms, like runny nose, headache, and facial pressure for an early treatment.

Treatment Options

➜ The maxillary sinus cavities located behind the cheekbones when infected can cause sinus pain in the jaws. A contributing factor is bad oral and dental hygiene since the jaw is connected to the maxillary cavity.
➜ Bacterial infection in the maxillary cavity can lead to jaw pain, which can be distinguished from dental pain as it is mostly restricted to the upper jaw. There are a lot of sinus pain remedies that you could try for sinus pain relief, like using decongestants available over the counter.
➜ The use of sinusitis antibiotics, like amoxicillin and azithromycin is also a tried and tested sinus jaw pain cure. Facial pressure is experienced by people who have sinus jaw pain, and the cause can be mistaken for a decaying tooth. Hence for a correct diagnosis, a visit to the dentist and physician is necessary.
➜ Jaw pain sinusitis has symptoms, like tender cheekbones, and they usually pain when touched. It is also accompanied by fever and greenish yellow nasal discharge.
If you are experiencing sinus pain in the jaw, visit a doctor, and he/she will put you on an antibiotic course. The pain can become intolerable if ignored. There are some sinus pressure home remedies you could try for relief. Also, remember to strengthen your immune system with the help of exercise and diet.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.