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Sinus Pressure and Dizziness

Bhakti Satalkar
It is not uncommon to hear about people suffering from sinus pressure and dizziness. There are a number of reasons, which cause this problem. Tap to know about sinusitis and dizziness associated with it.
Sinusitis is nothing, but inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, that may be caused, either due to infection, allergy or may be as a result of autoimmune diseases. Most of the cases of sinusitis are caused, due to viral infection and take about 10 days to heal completely. Depending on the duration, sinusitis can either be acute, sub-acute or chronic.
The interconnected cavities or small air pockets in the facial structure are known as sinuses. To be more precise, these air pockets are found around the nose, the forehead and cheeks. There are four pairs of sinuses, which are known as maxillary, frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid. They are lined inside the cavities and have a protective mucous membrane.

Light-headness and Sinus Pressure

Allergies are the most common cause of sinusitis, which further leads to pressure build up and dizziness. The human body is built of many complex systems. It is the interactions between different systems, that help us to maintain our sense of balance.
To explain the role of each system, the eyes capture different images, they are exposed to, while the inner ear takes care of monitoring our directions and movements. It is the joints and muscle sensors that gauge, the parts of the body, which are in motion.
Last, but certainly not the least is the central nervous system, which behaves like a supervisor and makes all the other systems work. When any one of the systems face any problem, it gives rise to dizziness.
More often than not, when a person suffers from sinus infection, it leads to sinus pressure build up in the inner ear, or there can be congestion in the inner ear, due to which normal air flow is disrupted. This causes the connection to the brain to be disrupted as well. The pressure builds up in the back of the eyes, the roof of the mouth and the inner ear.
Since there is pressure on the inner ear, the brain processes are not able to ensure normal balance, the person loses equilibrium and become off-balanced, causing dizziness. Hence, it is commonly said that sinus infection and dizziness go together.
In a respiratory tract infection, if the bacteria or viruses attach themselves to the mucus lining of the sinuses, it may spread to the ear tube and cause ear infection. This leads to accumulation of mucus in the middle ear and pressure builds up on the eardrum and the inner ear. This upsets the fine tuning of the vestibular labyrinth and causes a problem in maintaining body's balance.

How to Relieve Sinus Pressure

★ Warm the Sinus Points

One of the remedy for sinus pressure relief is to warm a soft cloth on a hot griddle and apply it to the ear. This will help in releasing the accumulated tension. After a few minutes, place the cloth on the griddle again and place the same on the forehead, nose and on the sinus points below the eyes. You will have to repeat the procedure for a few minutes.

★ Hot Shower

A hot shower will also help in draining the mucus, that is blocking the sinuses and relieve ear pressure. However, you will have to ensure, you do not expose yourself to air after you have taken a shower. You can stay in a room with heater, but definitely not in a room with cool air.

★ Steam

Taking steam is one of the simplest and the easiest way to relieve sinus. Adding eucalyptus oil or menthol oil will help in getting rid of sinus infection rather faster. One can take steam two to three times in a day for faster relief.

★ Acupressure

Acupressure can be used for this health problem. Pressure will have to be applied on the sinus pressure points, located on the face, head and side of the nostrils. There are often no side effects of this technique, hence the technique can be labeled as safe. When pressure is applied to the correct sinus points, it will give instant relief from sinus pressure and headache.

★ Massage

Like acupressure, massage which is focused on sinus pressure points will also help in relieving the congestion. You can use essential soothing oils for the massage, so that the pressure will be relieved faster. Both these techniques help in draining the sinuses naturally and prevent mucus accumulation.

★ Nasal Irrigation

This method helps in clearing up nasal congestion. Saline water has to be passed through the nasal openings for the same. However, it is recommended that this method be used only under the guidance of an expert.

★ Change in Diet

Eating spicy food is known to relieve sinus pressure. Once a person eats spicy food, clogged sinuses will open up and mucus will drain out. Including ginger, garlic, dried lemon balm leaves, etc. in the diet will also work towards relieving sinus pressure.

★ Increase Fluid Intake

When one is suffering from sinuses, one of the home remedy is to increase the intake of fluids. This helps in diluting mucus and eases pressure on the inner ear.

★ Sleeping Position

Having the right sleeping position will not only help in relieving sinus pressure, but will also help in avoiding dizziness. Sleep with your head on an elevation. If you normally with your head on a pillow, you may want to make use of two pillows. If you feel that two pillows is a little higher for you, then you can place one or two bed sheets on the pillow.
If you have been suffering from these problems for some time, then you may not want to waste any time and talk to your health care professional immediately. In such cases antibiotics may be required. Although there is a close relation between sinusitis and dizziness, there are other reasons, which may also cause dizziness. Hence, you may want to talk to your health care professional and rule out any other cause of the problem.