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Small Intestine Inflammation

Naomi Sarah
A small intestine inflammation takes place when one is suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, with other sub categorized diseases that fall under that. Find out what the causes and symptoms are of this problem...
When the small intestine inflames, it is due to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that comes about when the immune system triggers a reaction due to intestinal tissue problems. It affects the whole digestive system starting with the stomach, small and large intestines and the rectum, and can consume either one organ, or all at once.
We look into two types of diseases that fall under IBD, that deal with inflammation of the small intestine, these are - Crohn's disease and enteritis. We further look into the causes and symptoms of the same.

Enteritis and Crohn's Disease

We look separately into how Crohn's disease and enteritis take place due to small intestine problems. Although the two can be different in terms of extremity, they do showcase similar causes and symptoms.


  • Reaction to certain drugs like cocaine, naproxen sodium or ibuprofen.
  • Drinking/eating contaminated liquids with viruses and bacteria present in them.
  • Due to damage caused by radiation therapy.


  • Diarrhea that is mild or severe
  • Lack of appetite
  • Dehydration
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Granulomas (tumor)
  • Ulcer formations on the intestine, and even in the mouth
  • Osteoporosis
  • Weight loss
  • Blood is evident in one's stool
  • Inflammation of the bile ducts and even liver
  • Bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Children will experience delayed growth
  • Arthritis
  • Fever
  • Mucus present in stool
  • Skin disorders and inflammation of the eye
  • Anxiety
  • Perforated bowel
  • Anemia
  • Perianal disease
  • Obstruction and strictures
  • Kidney disorder
  • Bleeding ulcers
  • Risk of colon cancer increases
  • Fisutulae
  • Depression
  • Liver disorder

Reasons Linked to Inflammation of Small Intestine

There are certain reasons that are behind the root cause of IBD problems. These can be.
The highest prone race to get IBD related problems are among Caucasians, and those of Jewish decent. Depending on geographical considerations, these small intestine diseases can take root based on different time periods and races.
History Genetics
Those who have a history of IBD in the family are likely to pass this on to the first line of relatives that follow. Due to its hereditary possibilities, families are at a greater risk at getting IBD problems.
Genes Involved
There are certain genes in the body that cater to the development of IBD. It is found that four to five genes may be involved, with one of them being recognized as the NOD2 gene being defective when IBD comes about.


There are certain treatments that can be given in order to help patients that suffer from IBDs. Doctors will aim at suppressing inflammation using certain drugs and antibiotics due to these bowel problems.
  • Prednisone
  • Sulfasalazine
  • Laxatives
  • Over the counter drugs
  • Metronidazole
  • Azathioprine
  • Corticosteroids
  • Anti diarrheals
  • Pain relievers
When it comes to the extraintestinal problems, which is when organs other than the digestive system are affected, it is a case that happens with very few people. It is important to get medical help when signs and symptoms prolong when it comes to inflammation of the small intestine, and not to attempt taking medicines on your own.
Take precautions like washing your hands before eating, and making sure you don't eat/drink anything that would seem dangerous when ingested. These could be stale foods or edibles that have been left in the open for too long. Ensure that you take the necessary steps in helping yourself and others avoid this disease and its complications, and also check past family history for IBD problems.