Have you got small red dots on skin, but not sure what they are?
Pragya T
Keep reading to know about the different skin disorders which show symptoms of small reddish dots and their treatment.
There are certain conditions that show small red bumps, which go on their own like mosquito bites, and some serious conditions which need immediate medical help like measles. Here are the symptoms and measures one needs to take for treating these skin disorders.
Acne occurs mostly during teen years and starts to fade away by 25 years of age. In acne, one mostly gets small red or white dots on skin. Acne occurs due to bacterial infection and a reddish pimple or a blackhead are its symptoms. With topical applications of gels and a proper diet one can get rid of acne.
Allergic Reactions
Allergies can be caused by anything like certain weather or food. But, mostly it is caused due to pollens or grains. If you have small red spots or rashes on the skin, it is possible that you must have gotten it due to an allergen.
Boils mostly occur due to heat and can develop on any skin area. Boils can be small red or yellowish-pinkish bumps with pus. Usually they go on their own and sometimes when they grow big, they need to be drained.
Cherry Angioma
Cherry angioma are non-itchy skin bumps, which occur at any age and are red or purple in color and have a dome shape. They are not harmful in most cases, but if you observe the occurrence of such bumps frequently, consult a doctor.
Hives usually occurs in children due to food allergies. In this condition, a person gets small red dots that itch. Hives develop on skin as a single red dot or as group of dots. Antihistamines are used to treat this condition.
Insect Bites
Insect bites are not harmful and are usually caused by mosquitoes and ants. The itchy spots due to insect bites, go away on their own after some hours. However, if the symptoms start to become worse, seek medical care.
Measles affects a person after 10 - 12 days of the infection and give a person a rash or small red spots, which start on the face and eventually spread to the whole body. Seek immediate medical help if you have symptoms of measles.
In scabies, a person develops small red dots or rashes on the skin which itch a lot. And the bumps first develop on the insides of fingers or on the skin of the hand, so seek medical help if you see such symptoms. Creams and medicines are used for the treatment.
In shingles a person develops itchy spots as the later symptoms. The early signs of shingles are pain and itching, burning or tingling sensation on a body part. If you have similar symptoms, you need to seek medical treatment.
Sun Allergies
A person can develop small red bumps on the skin after sun exposure. The common types of sun allergies are solar urticaria, polymorphous light eruption (PMLE), and actinic prurigo (hereditary PMLE).
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It is difficult to identify syphilis as it shows symptoms similar to other skin conditions. In the primary stage, the symptoms are a sore on the genitals, and in the second stage a person develops small dots which don't itch. Seek immediate medical help if you are showing signs of syphilis.
It is advisable that you seek medical help for the skin disorder. As, there is a possibility that the red dots can be a serious condition.
Disclaimer: This write-up is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.