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Soft Tissue Injury

Madhurjya Bhattacharyya

We all must have heard the term soft tissue injury either from a doctor or on one of the sports channels. Read the story to feel acquainted with this term as well as some remedial measures.
Soft tissues refers to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the body. If any of these parts are injured, the condition is called soft tissue injury. Usually, it is caused due to continued stress of the joints, ligaments, or tendons. Redness of the injured area, swelling, and pain are the common symptoms. Depending on the severity, the doctor would prescribe you the required treatment.


Injury to these tissues is usually classified in two categories: chronic or acute. The former begins with a nagging, mild pain, which does not go away. On the other hand, the latter is caused due to sudden twisting motion, fall, or collision. The most common injuries are strains, sprains, and tear of muscles, ligaments, and tendons.


The first thing to be kept in mind is that you should take care not to aggravate the condition. Make sure that the injured portion is not moved frequently, so as to prevent further injury. Rest, application of ice pack, and compression are the most common measures. Immediate treatment would ensure quick healing process and would relieve pain and swelling faster.
The injured tissue should be kept in a still position as far as possible. In case it becomes necessary, use a sling to hold the injured area. This process would reduce the flow of blood to the injured area, thus preventing further damage. Other than that, application of ice pack reduces pain, swelling, and bleeding.
Compression is another excellent measure. Compression is used to reduce bleeding and swelling besides supporting the injured area. Use a elastic compression bandage so as to cover the injured area, and make sure that the bandage surrounds the affected area from above and below.


In case you have personal insurance policy, you can claim if you have suffered from this kind of injury. The amount you receive is determined by the insurance company after going through the claim and other necessary details.
They will also go through the doctor's report and see the impact of the injury and the time required for treatment. It is always better to consult a professional attorney while claiming an insurance amount so that you get the exact benefit you are entitled to.

Neck Injury

Neck is the most common area of the body, which is prone to this type of injury. If the tissues of the neck are injured, it may cause neck pain, and in some rare cases, sinus problems. The cranial bones are compressed, and it affects the movement of the neck, resulting in the neck becoming stiff and painful.
As a result, pressure is exerted on the tissues. If they are damaged, it may result in:
  • Fascia and torn muscle fibers
  • Over contracted or overstretched soft tissue
  • Entrapment of the nerves
  • Inflammation of nerves and tissues
  • Difficulty in normal functioning of the neck


Use of ice packs is the best way to solve problems of swelling and pain. In a couple of days, pain and swelling should subside, but if it does not, you should immediately consult your doctor. The time required for complete healing, can be divided into three phases: the first phase, where the pain, redness, warmth, and swelling lasts for about 72 hours.
In the second phase, the body starts creating collagen also called scar tissues, which may be accompanied by pain and discomfort and lasts for anywhere from 48 hours to six weeks. The third phase is called remodeling, and it's the most important phase of the rebuilding process.
In this phase, the collagen is remodeled so as to replicate the tissues, which were damaged. The remodeling phase ranges anywhere from three weeks to a year or more. In case of severe injury, surgery may be required so as to sew the ruptured muscles. This condition may be treated by massage, electrotherapy, and physiotherapy.
Soft tissue injury is a common condition mostly among sportspersons, where their tissues and ligaments are injured. It is accompanied by pain and swelling and can be cured by proper rest, and application of ice to the affected area. However, some doctors also recommend that it is better to get back in motion, which will cure the condition faster. Consult your doctor for the best possible care.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.