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Pain in the Solar Plexus

Shalu Bhatti
The solar plexus is a complex, yet important network of nerves and arteries that come from the different regions of nervous system and digestive system, and locates itself in the upper abdomen. Pain in the solar plexus may be an indication of various health issues. This story throws light on some of them.
The Solar Plexus plays a very important role in spiritual healing as the solar plexus chakra is known to govern the organs including liver, pancreas, spleen, stomach, kidneys, gallbladder, and small intestine. It is symbolized by the color yellow. Pain in this region may be associated with the organs that come under it.
The solar plexus is located above the stomach, right below the chest. The other name for solar plexus is celiac plexus. The term plexus means a collective location of various nerves coming from different regions at one location. The exact location of the solar plexus is where the renal arteries, the celiac trunk, and the superior mesenteric artery meet together.
In reference to the process of chakra healing, the solar plexus chakra deals with the emotional and mental issues of life, including your self-image, self-respect, and your acceptance of the position you hold in this world. If you are satisfied with yourself in these facets of life, then your solar plexus chakra is considered to be strong.
However, emotions like hatred, fear, lack of self-control, low self-esteem, etc., can create an imbalance in this chakra, which can lead to health issues like diabetes, gallstones, liver problems, indigestion, and other problems related to the organs that are controlled by this chakra.

What Causes Pain in the Solar Plexus?

The cluster of nerves in the solar plexus are interconnected to various parts of both the digestive and the nervous system. Therefore, the causes of pain in that region can be many, and hard to diagnose without proper medical examination. Some of them are mentioned as follows.
  • Too much stress
  • Metastatic cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Ulcers in the stomach
  • Acid reflux diseases which may cause pain after eating.
  • Improper functioning of the nerves in the solar plexus.
  • A hit or a blow on the stomach or to the solar plexus area.
  • A pulled or strained muscle in solar plexus.

Treatment for Solar Plexus Pain

It is very important to first determine the appropriate cause for the same. As mentioned earlier, the solar plexus is a cluster of various nerves, therefore, the exact diagnosis and treatment is necessary. This is done through various medical testing procedures, including the scanning, MRI's, blood tests, etc. Therefore, in order to treat the pain, it is best to get in touch with your healthcare specialist as soon as possible.
Mentioned below are some treatments that might be helpful till the time you check with your doctor for accurate medication.
  • Avoid taking painkillers as they may cause trouble if the cause of the pain is ulcers.
  • You can go for antacids which may prove to be beneficial for the first 3-4 days, however, if you still fail to get some relief, then it is best to get in touch with your doctor.
  • If you feel that the pain is due to a muscle pull, then application of hot and cold packs on the solar plexus would also help.
  • If the pain is way too much, then you can also put a few drops of chamomile, tea tree oil, or lavender oil on a warm damp towel and place it on the naked skin for sometime. Remember to cover it with a blanket so that the heat passes through the solar plexus.
  • There are many yoga exercises for muscle relaxation which can prove to be of help. Yoga poses like the bow, the twist, and the cat may prove to be beneficial.
  • Some simple activities like deep breathing, chanting loudly while placing your hands on the solar plexus, shallow and rapid breathing, etc., can help relieve the pain.
  • Experts in chakra healing also say that belly dancing helps in balancing the solar plexus chakra. There are many people who seek alternate methods of treatment; however, the need for medical expertise cannot not be ignored.
It is an experienced professional who will provide you with the appropriate treatment. Do not take it lightly as a delay might only worsen the situation. The solar plexus is a complicated and sensitive part of your body, so take special care of it. Take care.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.