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Soluble Fiber Foods for IBS

Nicks J
Vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes and fruits like apples, figs and banana come in the list of soluble fiber foods for IBS.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) diagnosed in both men and women strikes the large intestine (colon). As we all know, the colon is mainly involved in the elimination of fecal matter. So, with the onset of IBS, one experiences a change in bowel movement that appears in the form of diarrhea or constipation. Apart from frequent or irregular bowel movement, the person is likely to suffer from abdominal pain, bloating and gas. Managing IBS becomes an easy job if soluble fiber foods are included in the diet.

List of Natural Sources of Soluble Fiber

Clinical studies have proved that soluble fiber is extremely beneficial to reduce the severity of IBS symptoms, especially abdominal discomfort. These foods helps to regulate abnormal intestinal contractions, in turn helping to alleviate both diarrhea and constipation.
Some of the foods high in soluble fiber are given below:
  • Rice
  • White pasta and noodles
  • Vegetables that include turnips, carrots, parsnips, yams, and rutabagas, mushrooms, beets, sweet potatoes, beans, pumpkins, and squash
  • Soy foods like tofu, soybean, and tempeh
  • White bread
  • Apple sauce
  • Fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, figs, prunes, mangoes, papayas, and avocados
  • Whole grain products that include oatmeal and barley
  • Chestnuts
Too much intake of insoluble fiber also needs to be avoided in order to prevent IBS symptoms from worsening. The focus should be more on soluble fiber and less on insoluble fiber. Also, one has to discard carbonated drinks as well as cabbage and cauliflower from IBS diet as they promote build up of gas.


Although fruits like avocados and bananas are excellent sources of soluble fiber, they are considered to be gas-producing foods. Hence, avoiding or minimizing their consumption is essential to keep a check on symptoms related to gas and bloating. Soy products can also worsen bloating and hence eating in moderation should be given utmost priority.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.