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Sore Throat Allergies

Madhura Pandit
Allergy is one of the most prominent reasons for sore throat. Read more on sore throat allergies, its symptoms and remedies in this story.
Sore throat can be defined as the inflammation of the throat caused due to numerous reasons. It is one of the most common conditions experienced by nearly all people some time in their lives. Common cold and allergies are the significant causes of it. As there is only a slight difference between the symptoms of sore throat caused due to cold and that caused due to allergies, one may get confused and fail to identify the exact cause of it.

Sore Throat and Allergy

Allergies are caused when the immune system mistakes certain harmless substances like mold and pollen for germs and other parasites, and releases chemicals to fight them. This gives rise to certain symptoms. Exposure to pollen, mold, dust mites, cigarette smoke and hackles of animals are the common causes of allergies in people.
Hay fever is one of the major reasons for persistent sore throat and allergies. On the other hand, people who are constantly exposed to industrial pollutants, heavy metals or Candida, suffer from chronic throat infection allergy. Nasal allergies can lead to itchy sore throat. Severe symptoms are usually caused due to consumption of foodstuff like sunflower seed, cucumber, zucchini, etc. It is very essential to identify the symptoms of this condition in order to treat and prevent it.


Although the symptoms of common cold, sore throat and allergies are similar, you should remember that symptoms like fever and aches are never observed in this case.
  • Cough
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Discomfort in swallowing
  • Blockage of nasal passages
  • Inflammation of throat
There are several distinguishing factors between sore throat caused due to allergy and other reasons. For one, the symptoms can last for days or months together, as long as the person is exposed to the allergen.
On the other hand, sore throat caused due to common cold or infection lasts only for a couple of days. Secondly, as mentioned above, fever and body ache is never observed as a symptom in case of sore throat caused by allergy.


Sore throat caused due to allergies, does not require any medications or drug treatment. Essential oils like the peppermint oil and several other homeopathic treatments are helpful in treating allergic reactions and symptoms. There are several home remedies that help in soothing the discomfort caused due to it. Gargling with lukewarm salty water is an age-old but effective home remedy.
Throat sprays and lozenges, that are easily available in the market, can also be used to soothe sore throat. It is also important to keep yourself well hydrated when suffering from sore throat. Therefore, you should consume sufficient quantities of water, vegetable soups or broths to ease the discomfort. Similarly, it is very essential to take rest to cure the soreness in the throat completely. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you should consult the doctor as early as possible.


Once it is diagnosed that sore throat is caused due to allergies, the doctor will try to find out the exact allergen. The best and obvious preventive measure is to avoid exposure to these allergens. You should completely stop consuming foodstuffs that cause sore throat allergy.
On the other hand, you should avoid consumption of alcoholic drinks and cigarette smoking as it can trigger off symptoms of sore throat caused due to allergies. It is also advisable to prevent excess dryness in your home and workplace as it can trigger cough and inflammation in the throat.
If the throat inflammation does not subside even on trying home remedies, you should consult the doctor immediately. Lastly, you should remember that it is not a disease, but, only a symptom which can be completely cured and also prevented from recurring again. This information should not be used as a substitute for proper medical treatment. Take care!