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Sore Throat Allergy Symptoms

Rajib Singha
Sore throat is one of the most common medical conditions that affect people of all ages. Here we discuss the various sore throat allergy symptoms and treatment options that one should consider while going through this ailment.
One of the most common medical ailments suffered by everyone at some point of their lives is a sore throat. Also medically known as pharyngitis, this condition is known to be one of the main symptoms indicating that a person is getting sick. It has been surveyed that most visits to the doctor are associated with the problem of a sore throat.
However, the condition when caused by a viral infection, does not always require medical attention. The virus has to run its course, before it resolves for good. Medical treatment is required only in case of a bacterial infection, which again is a rare occurrence. This condition may also be a manifestation of certain allergies.


The symptoms of a sore throat triggered by an allergy are no different from those which are a result of bacterial or viral infection. The classic symptom is a dry, scratchy, swollen throat. Also, pain while swallowing solid or liquid foods or even while talking, is also one prominent sign. The presence of these few symptoms does not raise much of a concern.
However, if these are accompanied by some more signs such as a complete inability to swallow, vomiting, skin rash, headache, and severe throat pain, then it indicates that the ailment has something more severe than an allergy, as its cause. Formation of white patches or pus on the throat, swollen tonsils, a fever over 103 degree Fahrenheit and frequent recurrence of the ailment, are some severe symptoms that might occur.
Some people may wonder about sore throat that is triggered by seasonal allergy. Its symptoms are the same as cited above. This type of allergy is caused by substances which prevail only for part of a year. For instance, seasonal allergens may include pollen from trees, weeds, and grass.
While, allergens like pet dander and dust mite, are present all year round and may cause sore throat frequently. Molds are also known to be one of the common allergens which are both seasonal and perennial. In some cases, these allergens may trigger other symptoms such as red eyes, swollen and watery eyes, runny or stuffy nose, etc.


Sore throat caused by allergies, often do not require any treatment. Once the allergen is out of the system, it does not take long for the condition to resolve. However, a few simple measures can be followed at home to relieve the annoying and uncomfortable symptoms. Increase your fluid intake. Apart from water, take plenty of juices, tea, and warm soups. Such foods help in reducing the irritation in the throat. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine.
Gargle using warm saline water several times a day. This helps in soothing the swollen throat and getting rid of the mucus. Another treatment is a mixture of warm water mixed with honey and lemon. Allow it to cool down to room temperature. Sip it whenever you feel irritation or pain in the throat. The honey serves to soothe the throat and lemon works on the mucus. Sucking on lozenges also helps in managing this condition.
Humidifying the room is also one of the recommended self-care measures, which help relieve a sore throat. The moisture in the air helps to reduce irritation and helps the sufferer to get better sleep. Needless to say, if you avoid smoking, you are doing a great deal of help for relieving your symptoms. It is also necessary that you avoid other irritants such as vehicle smoke, paints, household cleansers, etc.
Sore throat allergy symptoms may also be managed by giving some rest to the voice. Meaning, while you are recovering, avoid talking as much as possible. This is because talking may further irritate the throat and may lead to temporary loss of voice.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.