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Sores under the Tongue

Madhurjya Bhattacharyya
A painful condition, sores under the tongue may keep a person from eating or speaking properly. It could be caused due to several factors, some of which may be mild, while some, severe.
Sores may occur on the side and under the tongue. Usually they are harmless, but at times, they may be cancerous as well. Tongue sores can be painful at times, and you may find it difficult to perform normal activities like talking and eating.
Most of the time tongue sores are caused due to common cold or flu, but there may be other complex reasons such as oral cancer, STD, etc. Sometimes, this condition also include sore under throat and tongue, canker sores, white sores, mouth sores, and red sore.

Sores Sprouting Under the Tongue

Tongue sores are generally caused due to physical injury, trauma, bacterial or viral infections, and tonsillitis. While consuming food, many people bite their tongue and this may result in development of sores.
There are chances of sores arising if hot food is consumed. Many a time, ailments like diabetes or anemia results in skin disorders, which may in turn effect the tongue surface. Moreover, sores may also be formed if bacterial infection starts to develop in the oral cavity.

Canker Sore

If you get painful red sores which are shallow, they may indicate canker sores. Though usually red in color, they may have a white coating over them. These sores may develop on the inner side of the lips or cheeks, or on the base of the gums. They seem similar to fever blisters, but actually they are different.
Fever blisters are usually on the corners of the mouth or outside the lips, while canker sores are inside. There's no specific age group of people to get canker sores, but the most susceptible are teenagers, and women in their 20s. The chances of canker sores are high in case of mouth injuries, menstrual periods, food allergies, poor nutrition, and stress.
There's nothing to worry as there are several treatment measures available. Additionally, if required, there are treatments available for you to use.

White Sore

White tongue sores may indicate several things, the most common being leukoplakia and lichen planus. If you get leukoplakia, you will find a white patch in the oral cavity. It can be very irritating and at times, may turn red in color.
If you get these symptoms, get it checked as it may be due to a fungal infection or in some cases a form of cancer. You need to be aware of tongue cancer symptoms, as it may be dangerous if neglected.
If the white sore is due to lichen planus, a white lace like pattern may be found on the inner side of the cheeks. Usually, this condition is caused due to reactions to other medications such as oral hypoglycemics and Beta Blockers.

Red Sore

If you get a red sore under the tongue, it may mean that there is some underlying medical condition which needs to be taken care of. They may be accompanied by pain, swelling, and tenderness. The main reasons for this condition includes:
  • Burning mouth syndrome
  • Problem with the immune system
  • Pituitary gland tumor
  • Change in hormone levels
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Tongue cancer
  • Depression
  • Pemphigus
  • Leukemia
  • Pellagra
  • Syphilis
Moreover, there are some drugs such as those which help in controlling high blood pressure, diabetes, and diuretics which cause painful tongue sores, besides swollen tongue.
Additionally, there are some types of anemia like iron deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia, and conditions like vitamin B12 deficiency and folic acid deficiency which may be responsible for this situation.
Sore under the tongue may be caused due to several conditions, so you need to take preventive measures. If you get sores, try and look for treatment options so that they don't cause further discomfort. As with all medical condition, the doctor knows best, so consult one if you find complications.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.