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Sour Stomach Symptoms

As the name rightly suggests, sour stomach indicates excess acids in the stomach. Read on to know more about its symptoms, causes, and remedies.
Sonia Nair
Sour stomach is a gastrointestinal condition that is common in humans, and is caused by the excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Otherwise known as acid indigestion, the condition causes a general discomfort in the stomach, accompanied with some other symptoms.
Even though sour stomach is considered different from heartburn and acid reflux, the former may or may not be accompanied with the latter conditions. The symptoms can be mild and disturbing, but sometimes turn debilitating too.

Causes and Symptoms

This condition can be caused by various factors; but, improper lifestyle is considered the basic cause. The major reason for sour stomach is improper eating habits. Consumption of food just before retiring for the evening, excess consumption of certain types of food, and eating in large amounts before bed time, etc., are the common causes.
If you consume food just before going to bed, the body does not get enough time to digest it, and the acid remains in the digestive tract for a long time, thereby causing a burning sensation and other symptoms related to sour stomach.
Fatty and spicy food can also cause such symptoms. Other habits, like smoking and using tobacco, can also lead to sour stomach. Stress is another factor, which plays an important role in causing this condition. Stress can affect the proper functioning of the bodily systems, and this applies to the digestive system as well.
To be more specific, sour stomach symptoms include bloating, nausea, stomach pain, and excessive burping. In some cases, heartburn and acid reflux disease may also occur simultaneously. While some people with this condition experience only a mild discomfort, it can be severe and debilitating for some others.
Sour stomach is a common condition, and there will be very few people who have not experienced this condition, at least once in their lifetime. However, frequent bouts can cause damage to the lining of the stomach and the esophagus. It can also lead to ulcers. So, it is better to treat the symptoms at the very onset.


Sour stomach is a condition, which can be cured with some lifestyle changes and natural remedies. However, medical attention is recommended for severe cases, and for frequent bouts.
Over-the-counter medication, like antacids, can provide a temporary relief, it is better to avoid frequent use of such drugs. Lifestyle changes include consumption of food at least three hours before bedtime, reducing consumption of fatty spicy food, avoiding tobacco use and smoking, reducing coffee and tea, and adopting stress relief techniques.
You can also resort to natural remedies, like buttermilk.
Sour stomach symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe, but are not life-threatening. You can try some of the above said lifestyle changes and natural methods to combat this condition. However, frequent bouts or severe symptoms may lead to complications. In such cases, you must seek immediate medical attention.
Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.