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Spotting Before Period

Marlene Alphonse
Spotting before period is a common problem that most women undergo. These changes occurring in the body before menstruation, are due to hormones secreted...
Spotting is a light bleeding that occurs before the onset (maybe a week before) of menstruation. Normal spotting occurs between ten to fifteen days before the start of the next menstrual cycle. There are many reasons for the occurrence of spotting.
Minor spotting before a period is considered normal and most women experience it at some point of time in their lives. Apart from this some other changes like, slight soreness in the breasts, bloating sensation, irritability, mood swings, mild pain in the lower abdomen etc. denote the onset of menstruation.

Causative Factors for Noticing Spotting Before Period

There are several reasons as to why brown spotting before a period occurs. Sometimes women who are taking contraceptives also experience spotting before menstrual cycle. Most of the reasons for spotting are benign and normal.
  • The very first signs that a woman is pregnant, is experiencing spotting before an expected period. Premenstrual spotting during pregnancy, especially in the first few months is normal. Sometimes spotting can also be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, which can be a life-threatening condition if it is not treated in its early stages.
  • Though most women are unaware that ovulation has occurred, some women have experienced light bleeding after two days of ovulation. During ovulation, the levels of estrogen in the body increases, resulting in the expulsion of the lining of the uterus. Spotting is generally a sign of ovulation.
  • Spotting before period on pills is experienced by women who take oral contraceptives. In fact, vaginal discharge before a menstrual cycle is a common side effect of most hormonal birth control options like hormonal Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs), contraceptive pills & injections. After stopping the dose, some women also experience spotting as an aftereffect.
  • A decrease in the levels of a female hormone called progesterone, that is essential to maintain the overall wear and tear of the lining of the uterus, can also cause pinkish or light brown vaginal discharge before period.
  • Certain types of medication like aspirin and a blood thinning medication like ibuprofen can cause menstrual spotting before the actual cycle begins. High levels of insulin in the body and hypothyroidism, a condition caused due to a hormonal imbalance are also some causative factors for spotting before the cycle.
  • Sometimes pregnancy cannot be detected unless the individual misses a period. Spotting before an expected period can be a sign of miscarriage. This condition is often accompanied by other indications like pelvic pain, cramps in the abdomen, and lower backache etc.
  • The presence of fibroids in the uterus can lead to spotting before menstruation. These fibroids are benign and harmless outgrowths in the uterine wall sometimes tend to rupture and cause light spotting.
  • Endometriosis, which is a condition where there is an abnormal growth of the uterine tissues. If the levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease in the body, then these growths tend to bleed, which is similar to spotting.
  • Certain types of cancers like cervical, uterine and ovarian cancer can cause spotting. If there is an abnormal spotting, it should be reported immediately to a gynecologist. The patient may also have to undergo an ultrasound test, to detect the presence of any abnormal growth and to determine the malignancy of the cancer.
  • An infection of the cervix or the vagina due to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can lead to premenstrual spotting. If there is a foul smell or a change of color in the vaginal discharge accompanied by itching, swelling and burning sensation, it must be brought to the immediate notice of the doctor.
  • Stress can also trigger brownish discharge before menstruation. This happens due to fluctuations in the hormonal levels. Some other causes of premenstrual spotting are cervical polyps, genital warts, varicose veins, injury or infection in the vaginal canal, ulcers, and dysplasia etc.
Abnormal spotting before a period can sometimes be a cause for some underlying health conditions. It is also recommended to check with a gynecologist if you experience other signs like pain and discomfort to rule out any further complications. Take care!