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Staph Infection on Face

Sheetal Mandora
Whether the staph infection is on your face or body, it can be either a small boil to an antibiotic-resistant, or a serious flesh-eating infection. Understand what are the reasons behind getting this contagious disease, its symptoms, and treatment methods from this story..
Not many people realize when they have certain skin infections. And that's very common with staph infect. But, what is staph infection? Bacteria named Staphylococcus is the reason behind causing staph infection on face and/or other parts of the body. Yes, you can easily get the infection on any part of your body.
Yes, you can easily get the infection on any part of your body. Normally, around 25% of people carry the bacteria in either their noses, mouths, feet, genitals, or anal areas. It begins with a small cut on the area and gets infected due to this staphylococcus bacteria.
The infection usually appears as a small boil, but can develop into a flesh-eating infection depending on strength of the infection, how deep it goes in body, how fast it spreads, and how curable it is with antibiotics.

Now I don't mean to scare you by saying all this. However, it is better to be well-informed than take your chances by risking your health.
In North America, antibiotic-resistant infection is common because of the overuse of antibiotics. Keeping this in mind, we will move on to finding what are the various symptoms and treatment options, and take a quick look at the skin issues that are caused due to it.

Recurring Infection on Your Face

Did you know that there are over 30 different species of staph bacteria and all of them can cause various types of illnesses; the most common being urinary tract infection.
Of course, there are many diseases, illnesses, and infections out there, a particular care and understanding is required for this infection. Why? Because as these bacteria can survive on various skin surfaces, it gets a clear shot at entering and spreading, if and when the skin is punctured.
» Folliculitis ~ deep, red inflamed infection of hair follicles

» Impetigo ~ yellow to red oozing bumps/blisters

» Furuncle ~ skin boils filled with pus

» Skin abscess ~ cavities underneath the skin filled with pus

» Cellulitis ~ deep infection, swelling, tender skin
Now in any random individual's case, he/she may not have staph bacteria on his/her skin. Even though, he/she contracts this infection. So the most important question here remains - is staph infection contagious? Yes, it is highly contagious.
Skin-to-skin contact and/or contaminated objects (sharing towels, razors, bedding, or any other personal items), walking barefoot, sitting around swimming pools, being in contact with infected pets, and even sneezing can easily spread the infection on your face and body.
If you happen to see a picture of this infection, perhaps you will be able to identify the conditions.

As the infection begins from a small area, usually appearing as a red and tender swelling, it isn't very tough to notice.
These symptoms are some of the most common occurrences an individual can find in order to identify the infection on himself/herself or someone else. If an individual is showing signs of these symptoms, he/she should be taken to the hospital immediately for a thorough consultation.
Leaving the infection untreated can lead to severe illnesses or the chances of having it spread furthermore.

Treating Infection on Your Face

Now that we know what the causes, signs, and symptoms are, we will shed some light how to treat this infection. Basically there are two main treatments - surgical and antibiotic.
In more than half of the cases, strong antibiotics have been proven to take effect. However, if the infection goes deeper (including muscles or fibers), the patient is advised (only by his/her doctor) a surgical procedure to clean/treat the infection.
• Septic wound ~ Surgically remove the dead tissue. This happens when foreign bodies or stitches get infected.

• Mild infection ~ Good hygiene, proper shower, and wearing clean clothes can easily help get rid of the infection within a few days or weeks.
• Persistent infection ~ Oral antibiotics have helped cure carbuncles. For boils with opening, clean the area with alcohol, squeeze the pus out, clean again, and cover with sterile cotton gauze.
• Prolonged infection ~ Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome (SSSS) can be treated with intravenous antibiotics after the patient goes through the "antibiotic susceptibility test".

Preventing Infection on Your Face

We all have heard that prevention is better than cure. So why not apply the theory here as well.
People who are at risk of getting this infection are newborn infants, obese people, breastfeeding women, people who live in hot, humid, and/or crowded locations, people with weak immune system, diabetes, lung/blood disease, cancer, and people with fresh piercings and tattoos (which have not healed yet).
Besides getting the infection on face, people can be prone towards contracting the infection on their noses and eyes. However, there are some precautionary methods that can be taken to eliminate the chances of recurring infection.
• Wash your hands properly, don't pick your nose, stop biting nails, and avoid scratching the skin.

• Instead of using razor blades, use electric razors and/or shave less frequently. Sterilize razor blades after every use.

• Don't wear dirty, tight, and uncomfortable clothes.
• Don't wear same item of clothing two times in a row. Wash clothes regularly.

• While playing sports, make sure to clean the equipment, gear, and clothes thoroughly.
• Don't share your personal belongings with others (towels, bedding, clothes, razors, toothbrush).

• Immediately treat underlying diseases like diabetes and dermatitis.
It is highly necessary that you follow the guidelines or you can be at risk of either spreading the infection furthermore to yourself and/or people around you. As discussed earlier, the bacteria for infection are always present on the body and can easily get through small cuts and injuries.
If you, a family member, or a friend has this infection, avoid coming in contact with them (or others, if you are infected) in order to prevent the spreading of this infection.