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Stiff Neck Treatment

Abhijit Naik
A common health issue nowadays, stiffness in neck is known to cause utter discomfort to the person. In this story, we will emphasize on the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
Stiff neck is a medical condition characterized by tightness or rigidity in the group of muscles which are responsible for neck movements. The problem can range from simple stiffness accompanied by mild discomfort to severe rigidness accompanied by immense pain.
At times, the pain can be severe enough to limit the movement of neck, hence causing utter discomfort. Owing to the pain and discomfort associated with this condition, you may have to consult a medical professional and seek proper treatment to get rid of the problem.

Causes and Symptoms

A person may suffer from neck stiffness due to various reasons. Simple activities like talking on the phone for prolonged duration or sleeping without proper support to the neck can lead to stiffness in the neck.
Rigorous physical activities involving the movement of head and neck are also known to cause stiff neck. Even stress can lead to tightening of the muscles in the neck and eventually lead to stiffness.
At times, the condition is also associated with headache. More severe causes of the same include medical conditions like neck sprain, rheumatoid arthritis, cervical arthritis, encephalitis, and meningitis.
The condition is typically characterized by difficulty in the movement of head and neck. The person is likely to experience tremendous pain when he attempts to turn his head, bend the neck, or indulge in any physical activity.
Other than these symptoms, he is also likely to experience symptoms of underlying medical conditions like meningitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Being aware of the various symptoms associated with neck stiffness can help you diagnose the problem and initiate its treatment at the earliest.

Diagnosis and Treatment for Stiff Neck

The diagnosis involves certain tests, X-rays, CT scans, and MRI to determine the underlying cause of the condition. The doctor will also evaluate the medical history of the patient and consider the events preceding the moment stiffness was triggered.
Depending on the seriousness of the issue, the doctor may also recommend blood test and spinal taps to determine the cause. On the basis of this diagnosis, the doctor will recommend any of the various treatment options discussed below.
In case of stiff neck, over-the-counter medication, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, are effective in alleviating the pain. As for simple home remedies, applying heat or cold to the affected area will ease the pain associated with the condition.
Massage is also known to alleviate the pain associated with it. Improper support to the neck while sleeping is one of the most common causes of stiff neck. In this case, simply switching pillows will work.
However, if the pain persists for a week or more, one should consult a doctor, as there is a probability that it is actually a misdiagnosed symptom of some serious condition, such as meningitis.
Yet another prominent cause of stiffness, pinched nerve in the neck can be treated by using a muscle relaxant and a strong pain reliever prescribed by the doctor. If any damage to the nerve is detected, the doctor will refer you to a neurosurgeon for further treatment.
You may also be asked to wear a cervical collar to restrict undesirable movement of neck, as it may further worsen the condition. If stress is the main cause of stiff neck, practicing stress management will help in easing it. At times, the doctor will prescribe intravenous fluids and antibiotics as a part of the treatment process.
As the last resort, the person may have to undergo surgery in order to treat the injuries caused to the neck muscles or relieve the pressure on the neck.
Though it's a harmless condition associated with the muscles in the neck, one should not take it lightly, especially when the pain persists for long duration. One has to also take into consideration the side effects of the treatment methods, which range from allergic reactions to paralysis caused due to surgery.