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Stomach Gas Problems

Arjun Kulkarni
It really can be a daunting task to do even the mundane daily things when you have an upset stomach. And gas can be really embarrassing when you're out in public. There are, fortunately, easy solutions to this problem. This story provides some information about the causes and treatment of the same.
While stomach problems can rarely, if ever, be life-threatening, they are embarrassing and create an awkward situation for you and those around you.

Some Causes

The first one is due to swallowing too much air. If while eating, you happen to swallow large gulps of air, the air goes through your food pipe, rather than the wind pipe, causing a build up of gas in the digestive tract.
 This condition is known as aerophagia and is commonly seen among people. If this air is belched/burped out immediately, then gas can be avoided.
However, if it passes into the digestive system, then you will get a bloated feeling in the stomach, till the gas is passed out. Aerophagia is commonly observed among people who talk while eating, have anxiety problems, eat or drink too fast, have loose dentures, and those who smoke.
The other cause is overeating. When a person eats more than usual, the body doesn't have enough enzymes to digest it and hence the carbohydrates in the food remain unabsorbed. The unabsorbed carbohydrates enter the large intestine where the bacteria break down the foods, creating hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane in the process.
This leads to gas accumulation in the large intestine and stays in there till it is passed out of the rectum in the form of flatulence. Some people who have a low level of food metabolizing enzyme tend to experience stomach problems more than others.
These problems may be exacerbated, if you consume a certain class of foods. Some common foods which cause gas include:
  • Beans
  • High-fiber fruits, vegetables, and cereals
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Dairy products


The first step is to determine the exact cause of the gas, that is, you need to know whether it is due to a digestive problem, or you are simply swallowing too much air, or it is a combination of factors. If it is a digestive problem, you may experience a bloated stomach after eating as an indication.
Because if you're swallowing too much air while eating, you may not need any medication at all. All you need is to concentrate at the task in hand at the dinner table. Also, do not eat or chew too fast as it results in a lot of air being swallowed. In addition to this, you could also cut down on your smoking as that infuses a lot of hot air into the body.
If the recurrent stomach problems are due to problems in the functioning of the digestive system, you should perhaps reduce your food intake. Particularly, it would be better if you reduced your intake of the gas-producing foods mentioned before as they are part of a larger problem.
You may also get some medicines prescribed from the doctor which will help eject the gases from the body.
A common way of treating stomach gas was to help eject it by pushing in more gas. So, sodas and other carbonated drinks were used to push the gas out of either orifices. However, it only adds to the problem and you should remember that prevention is the best cure.
Stomach gas problems aren't threatening per se, but recurrences will put a spoke in your social life.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.