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Stomach Gurgling Noises

Indrajit Deshmukh
Borborygmi is the medical term for gurgling noises in the stomach, and doctors attribute many reasons for these noises. Many people complain that these sounds occur when they are hungry or just after eating a meal. This story provides more information regarding the same.
Gurgling noises in the stomach can sometimes be funny, and at times, be very embarrassing for the person involved. The stomach is a hollow organ consisting of expandable folds called the rugae. These folds allow the stomach to expand and contract in correlation to the fluid and food intake.
When you eat a meal, it is the job of the stomach to mix the food with digestive acids, and store the food. This stored food is then passed on to the large intestine from the small intestine, and in this process, there is muscular contraction and noise.
Gurgling noises, for the most part, are harmless, and are not a cause of worry. Some doctors say that when the digestive system releases a signal to the brain to indicate a desire to eat, a message is passed to the stomach to get ready.
The signal from the brain induces a release of digestive juices, which sweep the digestive track to ready the stomach for food intake. Sometimes these noises can be symptomatic of gastrointestinal disorders.


Our stomach is an integral part of our body as it extracts nutrients from food, and provides them to the body for it to function normally. It secretes hydrochloric acid, which makes the gastric juice acidic, and can secrete up to 2 liters of hydrochloric acid daily.
With all the food and fluid intake, plus the release of acids, the stomach is a hot bed of activity, and sometimes, we hear loud gurgling noises emanating from it. Some of the causes are as follows.
  • Talking while eating leads to extra intake of air in the body. When this air goes into the stomach, it expands, and with the food and gases already inside, it gets shifted around, and that creates noises.
  • These sounds are sometimes the result of contractions in your intestine forcing liquid and air into the bowel for elimination.
  • In response to hunger, the stomach pushes the partially digested food further down the colon track for disposal, so it may get ready for more food. While doing so, it contracts, and thus makes noises. The medical term for this type of movement is peristalsis. The noises depend on the amount of food and the type of food that is being pushed down the track.
  • Drinking cold, carbonated drinks and swallowing food without chewing can also be a cause of gurgling noises. The gases in the carbonated drink go in to the stomach and move around, making the noise. The stomach also needs to use more gastric juices to digest half chewed food, and the extra release of these juices may also cause the noise.
  • An upset stomach during pregnancy also leads to the production of gurgling noises.

Home Remedies

There are some simple steps that you can take to quieten the stomach and get relief. Although taking medicines will help, there are a few effective home remedies that you can try.
  • Avoid food that causes gas, like beans and dairy products. The food may vary from individual to individual, so you need to find out what kind of food gives you gas.
  • Hunger is one of the main causes behind loud rumbling noises, the best trick is to eat crackers or cookies in regular intervals if you have a growling stomach.
  • Drinking warm soda also helps, as the gases in the soda help release air in the stomach through burps.
  • Avoid excessive drinking and smoking, as this introduces harmful gases to your stomach. This may cause the stomach to react, and may also cause gastritis and ulcers.
So, next time when you hear rumbling noises from your stomach, pay attention, and try some of the aforementioned remedies. If you don't get relief after trying these things, visit a gastrointestinal physician for further checkup. These noises are sometimes symptomatic of digestive disorders and irritable bowel syndrome, so it is best if you get it checked.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.