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Stomach Twitching

Finding something wrong with your stomach all of a sudden? It could be stomach twitching. Give a read to this story, and figure out the real cause and solution to it.
Veethi Telang
An abnormal firing of muscles, stomach twitching or fasciculations are caused by overuse of a muscle in the stomach. When a muscle is over-strained, it tends to twitch, and this type of twitching can be caused by excessive stress on stomach, dehydration, or even old-age. It is not always possible to find out the cure for muscle twitching, since, not all twitches are easy to locate.
However, usually, it can be treated through improvement in diet, physical therapy, and other medical means. When a portion of the muscle continuously moves up and down under the skin, stomach feels a twitch as a result of exertion since the muscles of the stomach are distressed.
It is for this reason that twitching in the stomach is often associated with fatigue, in which case, the body always feels tired and sleepy as a result of exertion.


Before we understand the causes of twitching in the stomach, it is important to keep in mind that stomach muscle spasms aren't a critical occurrence, and are absolutely no cause for alarm. However, every time the stomach twitches, it's an annoyance.
As stated, this ailment can be caused by exertion, where excessive usage of a muscle leads to occasional spasms. Moreover, aging has a lot to do with stomach twitching, since, during old age, everything a person attempts to do involves a great deal of exertion on muscles.
Pulling up a heavy item may exert the stomach muscles, thus, resulting in stomach twitching.
On the other hand, food poisoning, gastrointestinal diseases, too much caffeine intake, and stomach ulcers can be a few critical causes of stomach twitching that need not be ignored. Many women experience stomach spasms during pregnancy.
That's because they keep sitting for longer periods, and sometimes, don't move at all. Sitting for longer periods often leads to stomach flickering, but it goes away in a matter of minutes once you start moving.


Dehydration is caused due to inadequate magnesium in the body. Hence, if you're convinced you have diarrhea, you need to increase the intake of magnesium rich foods such as almonds and bananas.
On the other hand, if you're convinced that your stomach twitch is minor, and that there is nothing critical about it, you could just relax and reduce anxiety. This is one of the most widely accepted remedies for treating stomach twitches, as it doesn't cost you anything.
While there are many cases where stomach muscle spasms are not a serious issue, there are cases when this sort of twitching can be persistent due to some serious medical cause such as electrolyte imbalances, neurological conditions, or serious muscle injury.
In such cases, seeking medical assistance is recommended if twitching is persistent, and painful. Treatment includes finding out the root cause of twitching, diagnosing it, and providing medication thereafter.
Stomach twitching can be annoying even though there is nothing to worry about it in most cases. In the end, the ultimate solution is to keep your body active, avoid oily and spicy food, and stay relaxed. However, if it's persistent, consult your doctor for it is he who will be able to find out the root cause, and provide proper medication for it.