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Stomach Ulcer Cure

Omkar Phatak
Having an ulcer is a very painful experience. They can be definitely cured today, with the use of antibiotics and other treatments. If you want to know about established and alternative cures, keep reading ahead.
Thanks to modern medical research, there is a good news for all you people, troubled by ulcers. There is finally a definitive cure for the disease.
Barry Marshall and J. Robin Warren were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine, in 2005, for their astounding discovery, that diseases like ulcers and gastritis, are caused by a species of bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori. If it wasn't for these two gentlemen, the world would still go on believing, that abdominal ulcers are caused by excessive acidity.
There is a natural, as well as an antibiotic cure for stomach ulcers. Natural cure aims at reducing the acid secretion in the stomach, which worsens the condition.

Cause and Symptoms

An ulcer is basically a discontinuity or hole, in the stomach lining or the small intestine. They are caused by a combination of two factors. Helicobacter Pylori is a species of bacteria that lives on inner stomach lining. It causes inflammation of the lining and excessive acidity worsens the condition.
The symptoms of are:
  • Burning pain in abdomen (especially between breast bone and belly button)
  • A sever ulcer may cause nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite
  • Internal bleeding causing brown or black feces


Here are some effective methods of curing this condition.

Cabbage Juice

Drink fresh cabbage juice, in case you are affected by ulcers. It stimulates the production of an amino acid which improves blood flow to the stomach lining and aids in repairing damaged tissue.


Have a liquid antacid or an antacid pill. It neutralizes the excess acid in stomach, which worsens the ulcer condition.


As we saw earlier, Helicobacter Pylori is responsible for causing this condition. Therefore, an effective and permanent cure, in this case, can only be consuming the requisite antibiotics. These antibiotics will neutralize the bacteria and start recovery of the stomach lining. The antibiotics used in this treatment are Metronidazole, Tetracycline, Clarithromycin, and Amoxicillin. Generally, any one of these antibiotics is recommended to be administered, for two weeks.

Manuka Honey

Consumption of Manuka honey is also another effective cure for the ulcer. Manuka honey, like cabbage juice, helps in healing the wounds on the stomach lining and strengthens it.
There are many other ways of lessening the pain of a stomach ulcer. You can follow a specially designed diet, in your recuperation period. I do not advise self-medication and rather recommend that you see a certified medical practitioner. However, you can certainly go for natural cures that I have suggested, as they have no harmful effects.
Disclaimer:This story is for reference purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice of a certified medical practitioner.