Thorough knowledge about stomach ulcer, its diet restrictions, will go a long way in combating the discomfort caused by the ulcers. Some food groups to be avoided are, spicy foods, acidic foods, caffeine, carbonated drinks, and alcoholic beverages.
In the condition of stomach ulceration, the tissues lining the stomach and adjacent parts become ulcerated and inflamed, resulting in open sores that may be as large as ¾ inch. Monitoring the daily diet is the main approach while treating stomach ulcers.
This is because, certain food items initiate the onset of stomach ulcer symptoms. Hence, understanding the overall condition and diet restrictions along with other triggering factors, is crucial for managing the discomfort.
The Diet
Also referred to as a peptic ulcer or gastric ulcer, the most significant symptom of stomach ulcer is burning pain in the abdomen. Ulceration of the stomach is not only attributed to the diet, but the prime causal factors also include, bacterial infection (Helicobacter pylori) and medication side effects.
However, pain associated with the condition is worsened when the ulcerated area comes in contact with stomach acid. And, as some food items cause increased production of these digestive enzymes, identifying them is the first step to decide the diet restrictions.
While dealing with ulceration, there are some self-care guidelines that need to be followed along with a specific diet. One should neither remain hungry for an extended period, nor indulge in overeating. Both these aspects are likely to increase stomach acid production.
Healthy eating habits like chewing food properly and small meal serving at regular intervals are suggested to ensure proper food digestion, and more importantly, regulate secretion of stomach juices. Also, maintain a time gap between dinner and sleep time, preferably for three hours.
Diet Restrictions Explained
A well-planned ulcer diet is effective in reducing stomach acid secretion, thus alleviating ulcer symptoms. For people who have been recently diagnosed with gastric ulcer, planning the diet menu may sound challenging. While the triggering food items differ slightly from one person to another, there are some foods that are likely to worsen gastric irritation in every individual.
For your understanding about stomach ulcer diet (foods to avoid), refer to the following points.
While some patients cannot tolerate sugary and greasy foods, others report onset of symptoms after eating spicy foods. So, the point is to eliminate both greasy and spicy foods in the gastric ulcer diet, as far as possible.
You will come across certain acidic foods mentioned in the list of foods to avoid for stomach ulcers. Examples include, tomato, lime, lemon, orange, and all citrus fruits. Their pungent taste is imparted by the rich citric acid content, which in turn, increases stomach irritation.
Drinks that are infused with soda, or simply carbonated liquids are not good for ulcer patients. The pH of plain soda water falls between pH 3-4. So, you can expect the consequences of having carbonated beverages in ulcerated lining of the stomach.
Coffee and other caffeinated drinks are a strict 'no' for people with an ulcerated stomach. Remember that caffeine encourages further erosion of stomach lining. Even if the label says decaffeinated coffee, it's best to avoid it.
Say 'no' to drinks and beverages that contain alcohol. They have the same stimulating effects as caffeinated drinks. So, in order to keep gastric irritation under control, eliminate alcohol, and substitute it with healthy drinks.
Coming to ulcer diet recipes, the options are numerous. From the therapeutic point of view, using food ingredients that mask stomach acid, yet are non-irritating to the stomach lining should be used in cooking.
Some of the food items that serve as acid neutralizer, include, milk and dairy products, fiber containing fruits and vegetables, and food items having flavonoids in large amounts. Also, consuming foods rich in protein and vitamin aids in quick healing of ulcers.
Along with changes in the diet plan and eating habits, make sure to drink ample water and stay away from smoking. If you see that the symptoms are worsening, do not delay a medical consultation. The doctor will run certain medical tests to examine the severity of ulceration and rule out other diseases (stomach cancer).
For stomach ulcer treatment, the doctor may also prescribe antibiotics and medications that reduce or block stomach acid secretion. In addition, it's necessary that you follow the prescribed healthy diet for ulcer to accelerate the healing process.