Bacterial infection and prolonged intake of anti-inflammatory drugs are the basic causes of stomach ulcers. Eliminating the causative factors will provide complete stomach ulcer relief. Keep reading for fundamental information on the same.
A stomach ulcer is an open sore in the lining of the stomach or intestine. It is caused by the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori and long-term usage of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, voltaren, indocin, and naproxen.
Stomach ulcer causes immense discomfort to the sufferer, its most common symptom being recurrent burning pain in the upper abdomen. In some patients, the pain gets severe after a few hours of eating. This is because, when the food leaves the stomach, the acid concentration remains high. This causes sharp abdominal pain.
There can be some cases where instead of pain, there is an increase in hunger or bloating. One serious complication is bleeding. Such a condition is indicated by black stools. Bleeding ulcers need immediate medical attention. However, there are certain things that can be tried in the comfort of your home, for effective relief. Take a look at the following account on stomach ulcers, to understand the disorder well.
Usually, the symptoms and medical history of the patient is sufficient enough for suspecting stomach ulcer. However, several diagnostic tests are available to confirm the presence of the ulcer. A direct examination is conducted with the help of upper intestinal endoscopy. The same view can be seen by a barium x-ray of the stomach. In rare cases, a biopsy specimen is obtained to detect malignancy.
Stomach ulcer treatment is based on completely curing the underlying cause. As already mentioned, there are two main reasons behind it: a H.pylori infection or prolonged usage of NSAIDs. In the former case, treating the infection with effective antibiotics gives the patient complete relief.
Similarly, in the latter case, avoiding NSAIDs provides relief from stomach ulcers over time. The medical treatment also includes acid suppressing drugs while healing the damage.
Home Remedies
You can try out the below suggested natural ways of hastening the healing process of stomach ulcers.
Caffeine & alcohol stimulate production of stomach acid. Both these substances should be avoided completely to avoid intense pain.
Nicotine will hinder the healing process. It is advisable not to smoke or chew tobacco. This will delay the process of treatment.
Over-the-counter antacids can be taken to get temporary ease from stomach ulcer pain and other discomforts. One of the popular antacids, called Pepto-Bismol, helps in the cure.
A patient should try to lead a stress-free life. It is believed that stress aggravates the symptoms of this condition.
One should avoid eating spicy, sour, and hot food, as it tends to irritate the ulcerated area.
Following a simple diet, with a fixed schedule of meal times, helps the body recover.
A herbal remedy is licorice or Glycyrrhiza glabra. Take its root, dry it, and soak it in water for about 8-9 hours. Eat it with dishes like rice gruel.
Effective medications are available, but unfortunately, they do not produce the desired effects on many patients. In such cases, surgery, being the last option, is conducted. It can be either an open surgery, or with the aid of laparoscopic methods.
In majority of the cases, positive results are obtained. Thus, complete recovery from stomach ulcer is possible, and can be attained with medical treatments, along with a few simple home remedies.