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Stomach Ulcer and Stress

Niharika Arya
Stomach ulcers are not caused due to stress, but they are badly affected by uncontrollable stress. Let's find out how does stress affects stomach ulcers and what are its possible treatment options.
Stress can be a physical situation under which you may feel frustrated and upset. This situation may either be caused due to external environment like relationships, jobs, problems at home, etc., or due to the internal factors such as diseases, lack of nutrition, lack of sleep, etc.
Some people manage stress and overcome it but some people are so much affected by stress that they start facing complication in health. One of the health problems which may be elevated by stress is stomach ulcer.
However stress is not the reason behind stomach ulcer but it can make the condition worse. Find out the relation between stress and stomach ulcer in the following paragraphs.

Relation Between Stomach Ulcer and Stress

Stress is not included in the list of stomach ulcer causes. Stomach ulcer is, in fact, caused due to the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Our stomach consists of acids which help in the digestion of food. These acid can harm internal organs of our body, a natural defense, our body has a mucous lining which protects our stomach wall and esophagus from burning.
Due to some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), the bacteria which are already present in the lining of the stomach invade the mucous membrane which expose the stomach wall to acids. This results in stomach ulcers.
Until here stress has no role to play. But once the stomach ulcers are caused, stress can become the major cause for worsening the condition. Under stress, oxygen and other nutrients are directed to the more important parts of the body like heart, lungs, brain whereas the other less important parts like stomach need to work in limited supply. This slows down the digestive system which results in the formation of more gastric acid which makes the ulcers more critical.
Other reason is, in stressful situation either the person eats a lot or may not eat at all. In case of overeating, more and more acid is produced and in case of an empty stomach the acid makes the existing ulcers more critical. Excess stress may result in the erosion of stomach lining and the condition may become chronic. The person may have to face severe pain, burning sensation, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, etc.

How to Manage Stress and Treat Stomach Ulcers

It is important to get stomach ulcers treated but it is even more important to overcome stress as without getting rid of the stress, you cannot get rid of stomach ulcers. Check out some of the ways to get rid of the stress and make yourself feel normal even in stressful situations.
  • Find out what is the reason for your stress. Try to eliminate them from your life. If you cannot do that then try to take out time to relax in between your stressful work.
  • Physical fitness plays a very vital role in bringing you back to your normal life. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. This will decrease the stress causing hormone and will increase the flow of blood which will make you active, fit and stress free.
  • Take a break from your busy schedule. Relax, chat with friends and family, discuss your problems, get a massage, or do any activity which makes you happy like dancing, playing games, surfing internet, etc.
  • Healthy food is a great way to get away from stress and one of the best stomach ulcer treatments. Try to have four small meals instead of having two large ones. Do not skip any meal or overeat at any time. 
Fruits which are low in acid like watermelon, healthy grains like brown rice and fresh vegetables can help you a lot. Don't forget to have a healthy, heavy and energizing breakfast in the morning.
  • Smoking and intake of alcohol may also increase stomach acid and make the situation serious, hence avoid them completely.
  • Coffee and products which contain high level of caffeine can increasing the stress hormones. Hence switch to green tea as it is consists of antioxidants and helps the body to fight against diseases.
If you observe bleeding in stool and severe pain in stomach, then consult a doctor immediately. Do not ignore the situation as it can be dangerous. So, avoid taking stress as stomach ulcer is just one medical problem which we discussed in this post, there are number of life-threatening diseases which can be caused due to stress.