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Stomach Ulcer Treatment

Priya Johnson
Stomach ulcers are mostly conduced by bacteria, affecting the lining of the stomach wall. Regular consumption of non-inflammatory drugs can also lead to ulcer formation. Various types of treatments are available in order to heal the ulcers.
Stomach ulcers, also referred to as peptic ulcers or gastric ulcers are abrasions conduced in the mucosal lining of the stomach and bear semblance to ulcers in the mouth. However, a stomach ulcer can range from 1/8 of an inch to 3/4 of an inch in size, thereby being slightly larger than mouth ulcers.
The term peptic ulcer pertains to ulcers occurring in the duodenal lining (first part of the small intestine), whereas the term gastric ulcer is used to refer to ulcers occurring in the stomach lining.
Stomach ulcers affect millions of Americans and statistics reveal that almost 20 million Americans are affected by at least one stomach ulcer during their lifetime. Moreover, almost 4 million Americans are affected by stomach ulcers annually, requiring treatment, and almost 6000 Americans die due to stomach ulcer related issues every year.

Causes of Stomach Ulcers

Before getting to the treatment, we need to understand the different causes spearheading this condition. This is because, depending on the cause, the type of medication will follow. Earlier, people believed that stress triggered stomach ulcers, however, this belief has been cast off. Stress only aggravates an already existing ulcer.

Helicobacter pylori

Peptic ulcers are conduced by corrosion of certain spots of the mucosal lining of the duodenal lining, by the hydrochloric acid present in the digestive juices of the stomach. Gastric and peptic ulcers are results of bacterial invasions of helicobacter pylori, which are responsible for conducing about 60% of stomach ulcers and 90% of duodenal ulcers.
These bacteria can be transmitted from one person to another, via contaminated water and food and reside in the lining of the stomach. The chemicals produced by them result in irritation, inflammation and abrasions in the stomach lining.

Particular Medications

Regular intake of some medicines such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), drugs for arthritis and hypertension drugs can lead to stomach ulcers. These drugs cause the stomach to produce lesser amount of protective mucous, thereby leaving the stomach vulnerable to attack from hydrochloric acid in the gastric juices.
Moreover, these drugs slow down the blood flow to the stomach lining region, making the healing process more difficult. All these factors lead to stomach ulcers.

Injury and Cancer

Damage to the gastric mucosal lining and debilitation of the mucous defenses conduce gastric ulcers. Sometimes, stomach cancer can be present in the form of stomach ulcers. This is specifically observed in older people.
Besides the above-mentioned causes, some other factors contributing to the formation and aggravation of stomach ulcers are cigarette smoking, psychological stress, excess secretion of hydrochloric acid and genetic predisposition.

Stomach Ulcer Symptoms and Treatment

The primary symptoms comprise gnawing pain in the solar plexus region, or pit of the stomach and feelings of extreme bloating. Nausea, vomiting and dark stools are some other symptoms of ulcers. Treatment involves three basic measures. The first step is to eliminate the helicobacter pylori from the body.
The second step is to reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid produced by the body, or neutralization of hydrochloric acid to heal the eroded area. The third step is to refrain from smoking, drinking, intake of spicy food and all other substances that irritate and damage the digestive tract lining.
Adopting an appropriate diet will help prevent further aggravation of the ulcer.
Cure can be carried out only after diagnosis has taken place. Stomach ulcers can be diagnosed by endoscopy, biopsy, C14 breath test or even barium meal. After the diagnosis has been done, one can opt for drug therapy or the natural therapy for treating stomach ulcers.
Both these therapies aim at discarding the root cause of the ulcer, which means removal of helicobacter pylori bacteria.

Stomach Ulcer Treatment by Drugs

This therapy encompasses all chemical drugs manufactured by man, such as acid blockers, antacids, proton pump inhibitors and antibiotics. There is something called 'Triple Therapy' which involves administration of two different antibiotics so as to wipe out the bacteria. Administration of bismuth subsalicylate is the third part of the therapy.
Triple therapy treats the ulcer, however, adding a neutralizer or acid blocker to the treatment, speeds up the healing process. Proton pump inhibitors and acid blockers help protect the eroded area, thereby assisting in the healing process.
Once the treatment procedure has commenced, the bacteria is overcome within the next 2 - 3 weeks. Acid reducing medications have to be taken for almost 8 weeks, so as to ensure complete healing of the ulcer. The dosage instructions should be followed strictly and the treatment course should be completed, so as to ensure eradication of the bacteria.
Patients are advised to abstain from spicy food during the treatment period. This is because even though spicy food does not trigger ulcers, it certainly aggravates it.
This drug treatment is considered to be effective in 90% of the cases. The doctor may conduct tests after the treatment, to check if the bacteria has been completely removed or else an endoscopy will be carried out. After the treatment course is over, the doctor may prescribe a medication called misoprostol to keep the ulcer from returning.
If intake of non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) is the cause of the ulcer, then one needs to stop taking them, until the ulcer heals. The doctor may even prescribe some alternative medications which will not leave the stomach vulnerable. In case of inevitable drugs, the doctor may prescribe acid inhibiting drugs, which need to be taken along with the non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, in the long run.

Possible Side Effects of Drugs

Drug therapy is accused of causing medium to high levels of side effects. Some of the antibiotics used to treat the bacteria: helicobacter pylori are Achromycin, Ampicillin, Tetracyn, etc. They can cause diarrhea, fever, joint pain, kidney damage, vomiting, hives, loss of appetite, itching, mouth ulcers and quite a few other ailments.
However, it is stated that the drug therapy has resulted in antibiotic resistant bacteria.
The proton pump inhibitors prescribed such as Prevacid, Nexium, Prilosec, Pariet, Zonton, etc. can lead to stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and increased risks of pneumonia.
The antacids used to neutralize the stomach acids can result in dizziness, fatigue, headaches and breast enlargement in males. The acid blockers prescribed also have side effects such as constipation, diarrhea, breast enlargement in males and impotence.

Stomach Ulcer Treatment by Natural Methods

The side effects of stomach ulcer drug treatment has conduced the need to look into natural therapies. The different natural treatments aim to remove the root cause of the ulcer, without generating any side effects.
Cabbage Juice: Large consumption of raw cabbage or intake of fresh cabbage juice helps produce an amino acid in the body, which increases the blood flow to the stomach lining. This promotes healing of the ulcer.
Active Manuka honey: This is raw honey, which can be purchased at health food stores. When ingested, the antibacterial attribute of honey kills the bacteria, heals the ulcer and strengthens the lining of stomach.
Banana: Consumption of banana helps subside inflammation of the stomach lining and also strengthens it. Banana intake helps produce a mucoid substance, that coats the stomach lining, thereby protecting it against acids.
Wood apple Extracts: Wood apples help reduce inflammation and pain associated with the stomach lining. One should soak a wood apple in water overnight and then drink the water in which the apple was soaked in the morning.
Fenugreek: The burning sensation of the ulcer can be relieved by drinking a decoction of fenugreek seeds.
Fiber Rich Diet: Consumption of high fiber diet (legumes, fruits, vegetables) assists in ulcer protection by producing a substance that protects the stomach lining. Citrus fruits are also salutary, as they help ease the digestion process.
Besides the above-mentioned natural treatments, one can even try consuming 10-14 caraway seeds with a teaspoon of honey before breakfast. This will enhance the ulcer healing process. Moreover, acupuncture, homeopathic and ayurvedic treatments are also available for curing stomach ulcers.
When the symptoms start showing, one needs to approach a doctor. Bleeding ulcers are medical emergencies and have to be treated immediately. It is each one's prerogative to choose the kind of treatment one prefers. However, irrespective of which treatment one chooses to undertake, it is imperative to treat ulcers.
Complacency in the area of treatment, can result in further complications like anemia and perforation. Severe, dire ulcers can burn the walls of the stomach, thereby causing an opening for the food and digestive juices to ooze out into the abdominal cavity. Such a condition is termed as perforated ulcer, which requires immediate surgery.