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Sudden Weight Gain

Rutuja Jathar
It is obvious that if you start taking in more calories than usual and not engaging in physical activities, you will see yourself suddenly gaining weight. However, if you're everything as your normally did before, this sudden weight gain can make you worry. In this story, we will be discussing this topic in detail.
Sudden or unintentional weight gain means that you are not consuming more food or liquid than your normal intake. There are factors contributing to this uncontrollable increase in weight where you are unaware of how the extra pounds are piling up.
Of course, not every individual going through such a situation will have the same reasons or causes behind it. Depending on your lifestyle choices, hormonal imbalance, medication, or perhaps some other factor altogether, the actual cause can vary. In the following section, we will look at some of the common causes of why an individual may be gaining weight unexpectedly.


There are three ways you could notice the changes (increase) in your weight.

Periodic weight gain - regular fluctuations in weight
Continuous weight gain - often a result of pregnancy
Rapid weight gain - can indicate a serious medication condition

As we list some common causes here, try to recognize which of these apply to you.
Prescription Medications
Prescribed medication for certain health conditions like arthritis, asthma, antidepressants, anticoagulants, mood stabilizers, diabetes medications, etc., can themselves cause weight gain. So, if you notice your weight going up, after starting the dosage of certain medication, make sure you revisit your health care provider to change medication and/or dosage.
Hypothyroidism is one of the most common causes in women. Deficiency of thyroid hormone affects negatively on the rate of metabolism, which results in loss of appetite and significant weight gain. Fluid retention that is caused by protein deposition and fat accumulation is the reason behind it. There are several symptoms of hypothyroidism like fatigue, swelling of body parts and face, dry skin, puffy eyes, poor memory, husky voice, loss of energy, weakness, and intolerance to cold and flu.
Cushing's Syndrome
Cushing's syndrome is a disease that is caused by excess of cortisol which is a hormone in the human body. It causes secretion of fat in specific body parts like upper back, abdominal region, and face.
An individual will experience symptoms like weakness, wasting, thin skin, late healing of wounds, glucose intolerance, irregular menstrual cycle, purple-colored stretch marks on abdomen, high blood pressure levels, and hair loss.
Fluctuating Blood Sugar Levels
Overeating of simple and refined carbohydrates can lead to drastic changes in blood sugar levels of that person.
For example, eating of chocolates can bring about some instant changes in the blood sugar levels of that person, as it releases insulin and causes a need for more sugar and craving for foods in order to stabilize sugar levels in the blood.
Deficiency of Fatty Acids
Deficiency of omega-3 essential fatty acid, along with several other essential fatty acids, that contain 'good fats' are very important in maintenance of the rate of metabolism of the body. Deficiency of these essential fatty acids create cravings for fatty foods. Overeating these fatty foods obviously becomes a cause.
Signs of deficiency of fatty acids are dandruff, dry skin and hair, etc. deficiency of fatty acids is normally associated with several other medical conditions like asthma, arthritis, premenstrual syndrome, etc.
Other Reasons

  • Lack of nutrients
  • Quitting smoking
  • Depression
  • Lack of sleep
  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Hormonal changes
  • Fluid retention
  • Stress
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Digestive issues
  • Age

What to Do Next

Don't stop taking the medication prescribed to you by the doctor. Instead, consult him/her to check whether it is the medication that is the actual cause.
Instead of coming yourself to your family members and/or friends taking the same medication, understand how and why that particular medication is affecting you.
If it is water retention that is causing weight gain, remember that it is not permanent and you can work your way to finding relief from it.
Eat healthy, balanced meals, drink adequate amount of water throughout the day, and engage in a variety of physical activities to keep your metabolism working.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.