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Swelling in Hands

Aastha Dogra
Swelling in the hands can be experienced due to various reasons, such as, an allergic reaction, pregnancy, imbalance of electrolytes in the body, and arthritis. The following story talks more about the swollen hands, its causes, as well as certain effective home remedies to overcome the condition.
Hands are one of our most used body parts. Whether to eat, cook, work, etc., we make use of our hands for maximum tasks in our day-to-day life. Any problem, which affects our hands, practically makes us handicapped.
And, if the problem is as discomforting as a swollen hand, it makes the situation even worse. Given below are the causes and remedies, explained in detail, to treat the swelling in hands.


Weather Conditions

It is seen that certain weather conditions are responsible for causing swelling in your hands. This is very common when the weather is either too cold or too hot. People in higher altitudes, probably, are more susceptible to swelling of the hands.

Imbalance of Electrolytes

It could be due to electrolyte imbalance in the body. When a person while exercising, sweats, he loses salt, and hence, an imbalance of electrolytes, which are the salts in the bloodstream, is created, resulting in this condition.


Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints, producing symptoms, such as, pain, stiffness, loss of motion as well as swelling in the joints. While it is more common in the elderly, some forms of this disease might affect people in early ages too. A person, who has arthritis in hands can experience swelling in the fingers and palms.


Swelling on the hands during pregnancy, is caused due to a condition known as edema, in which, water or the fluid gets accumulated in the body, causing swelling in the feet, ankles, and hands of the pregnant woman. This condition occurs when the growing uterus puts excess pressure on the veins in the pelvic region, slowing down the blood circulation.
When the circulation slows down, the blood tends to pool, pressurizing, and pushing the water in the tissues of the feet, ankles, and sometimes, even hands and other body parts, causing swelling everywhere.

Polycythemia Vera

This disorder occurs when there is excess production of platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells in the body. In this condition, the blood thickens and clots in the blood vessels of toes and fingers, causing swollen feet and hands.

Restricted Arm Movement

Some researches show that, if the arms are not moved for a very long time, or if they are kept continuously below the heart, while walking, it can cause swelling in the hands.

Other Causes

Hands can swell up due to an insect sting, especially when the person is allergic to them. Frostbite is another reason why some people experience painful, swollen hands. It could also be caused as an allergic reaction to some medication, which a person is taking, but is allergic to.


There are certain home remedies, which a person can use to treat the swelling occurred in hands. Here is a list of some of the most effective ones.
  • Drink plenty of water. This will help in removing toxins from the body, relieving the swelling of your hands in the process.
  • Do some arm exercises. Try to keep the hands and arms in motion, by lifting your hands above your head a few times in a day or by rotating the arms in circles.
  • Wear compression gloves. They will improve blood circulation and reduce the swelling.
  • Massage your hands yourself or get it done by a professional. This will help in improving blood circulation and if any fluid retention is there, that will be minimized as well.
  • Eat less salt, give up caffeine, and take a well-balanced, nutritious diet. A healthy body is less prone to swelling than an unhealthy one.
As you can see, the problem of swelling can be cured at home, provided the person experiencing it, is willing to take certain precautions, and make a few changes in his lifestyle and diet. However, in some cases, the swelling may refuse to subside. If this is the case, contacting a doctor, for proper diagnosis and treatment is recommended.