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Swollen Elbow Without Pain

Niharika Arya
Do you have a swollen elbow without pain? Is it restricting elbow movement? Are you feeling a grinding texture while pressing or rubbing the swollen elbow? If your answer is yes for any or all the given questions, then find out the reason behind this condition in this story.
Elbow is one of the most important parts which helps in the smooth movement of the hand. You are able to pick and carry things or perform any task with the help of your hand or your elbow. Elbow is a joint which is used several times a day.
To save this joint from friction, there is a fluid filled sac which is known as bursae. Swollen elbow is the result of inflammation and irritation of elbow bursae. It can be observed with or without pain, depending upon the reason behind the inflammation. Let's find out the reasons and possible treatments for this condition in the following paragraphs.

Causes and Symptoms of Swollen Elbow

There are many causes behind swollen elbow but swelling without pain can be observed in very few conditions. The major cause for such condition is excessive pressure. Leaning on the elbow, on any surface which is hard, may put pressure on the bursae. 
It may get squeezed between the bone and the hard surface on which you are leaning and may get irritated which may result in swelling. It may or may not be associated with pain.
This condition is also known as student's elbow as it is caused due to the prolonged resting of head on the elbow which students usually do at the time of studying. People who are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or gout are more susceptible of getting elbow bursitis.
Swelling may be accompanied by redness in the area and it may also feel warm. Excess swelling may cause restriction in the elbow movement. You may observe grinding texture when you press or rub the swollen part. You may not feel pain normally but it may pain if you put pressure on it.

Treatment for Swollen Elbow Without Pain

When there is no pain, swollen elbow usually go unnoticed and the condition may aggravate. But once the condition is noticed, following are some of the bursitis elbow treatment which you can follow in order to get rid of the swelling.
  • The best way to reduce swelling is the application of ice on the swollen part. Ice therapy not only reduce the swelling but also helps in getting rid of inflammation and irritation. Take ice pack and place it over the affected part for about 15 minutes.
Do not place ice directly over the skin, use an ice pack or wrap the ice in a clean cloth. Do it 3 to 4 times a day till the swelling goes off completely.
  • Elastic wraps and sleeves are very helpful in compressing the swelling. You can wrap your elbow till the swelling goes but remember not to warp it so tightly that your fingers go numb.
  • You can wear soft elbow pad in order to protect it from any type of injury and pressure. It will also reduce the swelling and will help the bursae to heal soon. You can wear it all the time till the swelling diminishes. Take short breaks in between so as to relax your hand.
  • Medications like ibuprofen and naproxen may also help you to reduce the pain.
Avoid leaning on your elbow while studying or doing any other work. Use small foam pads or cushion if you need to lean and avoid leaning for a prolonged period of time. If the swelling is accompanied by pain, then give rest to your elbow for a few days till the swelling goes.
If the swelling persists for more than a week then consult your doctor as it may be a fracture or infection. So, if you are facing problems of swollen elbow, follow the tips given in this story and get relief as soon as possible.