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Swollen Face and Neck

Rohini Mohan
Have you been waking up to see a swollen face looking back at you in the mirror? Is your neck swelled up as well? Maybe you shouldn't take these symptoms lightly and must seriously consider getting yourself checked for an underlying health condition or an allergy.
The most probable reason for swelling to occur on the face and neck, could be because of a health condition known as edema, which is known to cause this peculiar tendency. Edema may occur in any part of the body, because the condition crops from body fluids that circulate in the joints, tissues, and muscles.
In fact, these fluids are very useful in their essential purpose, as they protect against friction and injury. However, when this fluid is allowed to retain in one place for longer than necessary, it results in swelling in the affected area.
One of the other reasons which causes edema is poor circulation, and is an affliction most commonly found in elderly people.


Body fluids tend to remain stagnant around certain areas. Facial and neck muscles are always active during the day, as you blink, chew, yawn, and speak. You move your neck several times while speaking, eating, walking and working. However, when you sleep, all these muscles and tissues become rather subdued, which allows fluid to collect.
Treatment: You may lessen the swelling by changing your sleeping position every now and then, also remember to not sleep beyond normal limits of 6-7 hours. Massaging your neck and face before and after sleeping, helps prevent this phenomenon.

Throat Infection

Another substantial factor that may be responsible for the swollen face and neck could be a viral throat infection and cold. Simple and often disregarded health conditions such as tonsillitis can create havoc if they left untreated. When the tonsils get infected, they get enlarged which would naturally result in the neck and parts of the face getting swollen.
Some of the symptoms will include sore throat, bad breath, feeling thirsty and a white residue on the tongue which does not clear out despite using a tongue cleaner or mouth wash. The lymph nodes on the sides of the neck may be infected otherwise as well.
Therefore in case you can feel small lumps on the sides of your neck, it is probable that your lymph nodes may have gotten enlarged due to infection. Get a medical check up done so as to know the exact diagnosis, before the condition aggravates.
Treatment: Younger children can have their tonsils shrunk so that they may face lesser chances of infection in later years. Regular saline gargles, can help keep this condition from occurring or recurring in the future. Maintain proper oral hygiene, and steer clear from sour, spicy, and fermented dairy products, if you suspect that your tonsils may be getting affected.

Tooth Extraction

One of the instant reactions displayed by our body, post a tooth extraction is to swell up in and around the targeted area. It's a stimulus that cannot be countered, though it can be controlled. Once the numbness around the extraction area begins to fade, we usually can feel the pain and swelling creeping up.
This swelling may sometimes spread all over the cheeks, jaws, and neck. The second reason could be due to the onset of new teeth. Wisdom teeth take a painfully long time to emerge completely. Sometimes the pain they cause is so unbearable that, people prefer its extraction over dealing with the torture.
Treatment: Applying ice over the cheek, near the affected area can help relieve the pain. Doctors usually prescribe painkillers.

Dental Decay

Another reason for the swelling on the face could be due to tooth decay. Rotten teeth also have rotten roots, that seep deep into the gum and jaw line. This eventually can cause infection and germs to spread. The situation leads to severe pain (and fever sometimes).
Treatment: You should follow the instructions of your doctor regarding oral hygiene to prevent tooth decay or you should get the decay fixed via filling or extraction, as the case may require.

Allergic Reaction

There can be several plausible reasons for swelling as a result of allergies. Allergies caused by certain food and medicines is the foremost trigger for swelling on the face, lips, nose, and neck. Many of us suffer from allergies of some kind or the other, which occurs when our immune system cannot accept the chemical combination of proteins from specific foods and ingredients.
Treatment: Steer clear of these foods, by always checking the label of packaged and processed foods. Also inform the chef that you cannot tolerate certain ingredients, when you go out for meals. Where medicines are concerned, do thorough allergy test to find out the chemicals that you must avoid. Accordingly, go for medicines that do not contain those substances. You should read the labels carefully.
Swelling in face and neck must not be ignored, because the underlying reason could be rather more serious. It's prudent that you get a doctor's opinion, because the swelling could also be the result of the immune system fighting against an intrusive pathogen.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.