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Swollen Hands in the Morning

Madhurjya Bhattacharyya
If you frequently notice your hands to be swollen in the morning, then it might indicate something amiss in your body. In such cases, an early medical diagnosis is imperative.
Many a time people complain of swollen hands in the morning, which may be caused due to several reasons. Whether it's swollen hands or feet, the exact cause is difficult to pinpoint, as there may be several reasons behind it. Some of the most common causes of this condition have been briefed in the following section.

What Could Cause Your Hands to Swell Up?

# One common cause is injury to the hands. If any of the bones of the hands are fractured, or the tissues of the hands are injured, that area swells, and the swelling is more profound in the morning. Besides injury, you may also find arthritis also cause swelling and can be accompanied by pain and stiff joints.
# Another important factor is the accumulation of fluids in the body. Fluid gets accumulated in the body if the kidneys or liver dysfunction, and as such you need to be immediately examined, or else the condition may get serious.
Depending upon how chronic the illness is, fluids may accumulate in other vital organs like the chest or abdomen. This may prove fatal if preventive measures are not taken on time.
# Many a time, it has been found that the body overproduces platelets, white blood cells and red blood cells. This may cause the accumulation of blood in the hands, which in turn may cause swelling. The condition is called polycythemia vera, and may cause clots in the small blood vessels.
# Most people are allergic to insect bite, and if you have been bitten by mosquito or any other insect, then you may get swollen hands in the morning.
# Other than that, you may also get serum sickness , which may cause swelling of the hands. Usually allergic reaction to certain medicines, may lead to serum sickness. There are some diseases like acromegaly, wherein a tumor is formed in the pituitary gland, which results in excess secretion of hormones. This excessive secretion may lead to pain and swollen hands in the morning.
Many a time it has been found that, as the day progresses the condition deteriorates, and you may find a pit being formed on the hands due to swelling. If you try and press that area, you may find that an indentation is formed in the swollen area. Swelling of the hands may also be accompanied by puffy eyes, palpitations, headaches and high blood pressure.

Swollen Hands During Pregnancy

Swollen hands and fingers due to the accumulation of fluid is a common condition in pregnant women. During pregnancy, swelling of the hands is normal to an extent. However, if you face excessive swelling, you need to get in touch with a doctor immediately.
Usually swelling of the hands occur as the fetus grows. The growing fetus exerts pressure on the vena cava (blood vessel) and pelvic veins.
Due to the pressure exerted on these blood vessels, circulation of blood slows down and it starts pressurizing the surrounding tissues, which in turn forces fluid from the arteries and veins into the surrounding tissues of the hands.
This condition is most common during the third trimester, and the condition may worsen during summers. Normally, swelling disappears after delivery, as the body excretes excessive fluid over time. After childbirth, it has been found that women urinate and sweat a lot, which indicates that excess fluid is being eliminated.
So swollen hands in the morning can be caused due to several reasons, the most common being injury, accumulation of fluids and overproduction of blood vessels. If you get this condition, it's always better to consult a doctor, and get the condition treated, or else the condition may aggravate.


The information provided in this post is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.