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Systemic Yeast Infections

Rutuja Jathar
Systemic yeast infection, better known as candida, is a timeserving infection. This story provides information about the causes, symptoms, and treatment measures of this condition.
Systemic yeast infection, better known as candida, is a timeserving infection. This story provides information about the causes, symptoms, and treatment measures of this condition.
Systemic yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of the fungus, candida albicans, when the normal yeast 'candida' takes the form of a fungus. The infection is also known as 'systemic candidiasis', which starts by invading the bloodstream, affecting the liver and the urinary tract.
This infection occurs on three different levels, namely - occasional infection, chronic infection, and systemic infection. The systemic yeast infection is extremely hard to discover at its early stage. The candida attacks all the body organs including the sensory organs. The well-being of a person depends upon the severity of the infection.


Weakened immune system, eating disorders, irregular lifestyle, deficiency of white blood cells (granulocytopenia), negligence during the early yeast infection are the causes of systemic candidiasis.
Also, external factors like, tight clothing, daily stress, yeast-feeding foods, contraceptive pills, drugs, various antibiotics, etc., are some of the root causes of this infection. The extremely moist parts of the body (intestines, mouth, and vagina) favor the growth of this fungus.

Risk Factors

Candidiasis becomes dangerous due to its ability to spread quickly all over the human body. Following are the categories of the risk factors that candida brings on:
  • Dermatological: Chafing/intertrigo, hives, acne, eczema, etc.
  • Gastrointestinal: Diarrhea, oral thrush, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), constipation, flatulence, rectal itching, food sensitivities, etc.
  • Genitourinary: Genital yeast infections like yeast vaginitis, bladder inflammation, premenstrual and menstrual problems, cystitis, chronic urinary tract infections, etc.
  • Autoimmune: Systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, sarcoidosis, hemolytic anemia, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, arthritis, etc.
  • Psychological: Confusion, memory loss, irritability, lack of concentration, depression, learning disability, short attention span, insomnia, etc.
  • General: Lethargy, fatigue, weakness, migraines, dizziness, hypoglycemia, respiratory problems, muscle pain, chemical sensitivities, sensory disturbances, etc.


  • Skin related: Itchiness of the skin, reddish-white patches, inflamed skin areas, rashes, weeping sores, diaper rashes, etc.
  • Esophagus: Pain while swallowing, heartburn, sore throat, etc.
  • Oral: Thrush, sore mucous membranes with pain, bad breath, white coating on tongue, cracks on the corners of the mouth, etc.
  • Intestinal: Indigestion and bloating, gas, craving for sweets, diarrhea, 'bloody' diarrhea, etc.
  • Anal Area: Soreness and weeping, extreme itching, etc.
  • Urinary Bladder: Pain over the bladder area, rare bleeding while urination, and frequent and painful urination.
  • Genital Organs: Itch, dysuria (pain while urinating), etc. One can see a whitish discharge, inflamed mucous membrane, and pain during intercourse in females, while red glans skin with a white layer, patent urethral discharge, and pain in males.
Other general symptoms might also be seen like fatigue and lack of energy, irritability, moodiness, lack of concentration, and other psychological problems. Any of the aforementioned physiological symptoms can be observed, and the symptoms may vary from one person to another.


There are some simple blood tests and tissue tests that diagnose the systemic yeast infection. The physician also analyzes the samples of the patient's stool to verify if it is actually a yeast infection. Another method is a light microscopy in which a small fragment of the infected part is observed under the microscope.
There is yet another method, named as culturing, in which a sterile swab is rubbed on the affected skin surface. This culture is incubated at around the normal human body temperature. This method allows the yeast to develop its colonies.
The visible characteristics such as the color of the colony is the main tool to identify the type of infection and its severity. The last two methods are the ones mostly used for diagnosis when there is an external and visible kind of infection.


Systemic candidiasis does not really respond to antibiotics, therefore planning the treatment is very essential. There are two main curative methods and drugs for it. One drug is active all over the body (systemic) and the other one is active when it is specifically applied on the infected area (topical). The topical drugs mainly include econazole, clotrimazole, amphotericin B suspension, miconazole, ketoconazole, and other such drugs.
Mouth rinses, ointments and creams, lozenges, and others are prescribed depending on the severity and location of the infection. The systemic therapy is mostly used when there are some recurring traces of the disease even after the topical therapy.
The easiest way of them all is to prevent the infection in the first place. This can be achieved with the help of a planned diet. The infection largely affects the body pH levels, and hence one must try to have a low or no sugar diet in order to control it. The ones who are already infected, sugar must be totally excluded from their diets.
Yeast feeds on the body carbohydrates, which means that a heavy intake of probiotics is necessary. A low amount of protein must be consumed, and therefore the consumption of high-protein stuff like certain meats and vegetables should be reduced. Fruit sugar is exactly the kind of sugar that should also be avoided.
Before making any changes into your diet plan, it is highly recommended to consult your doctor. With so many things to be avoided to prevent the infection, there are high chances for the infected person to starve and ironically become more vulnerable. Nonetheless, timely and correct diagnosis, a strict diet plan, and proper medical attention has got the capacity to control and cure the infection.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.