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Tapeworms in Humans

Nicks J
Tapeworms in humans may give rise to health problems like diarrhea, constipation, high fever or even seizures.

Natural Remedy

Having anti-parasitic foods such as carrots, raw pumpkin seeds, blackberries, pomegranate, pineapple and papaya can also help to get rid of tapeworm infection in humans.
Tapeworms look very similar to that of a long thin ribbon and moreover their small head is equipped with hooks that enable them to firmly hold the intestinal wall. Tapeworm in humans generally remain confined to the intestines and absorb the nutrients from food which in turn promotes their growth. Tapeworms in intestines, many times are not a cause of discomfort and may not be diagnosed for years. However when these worms multiply and reach other body organs such as the lungs, symptoms can be severe.

Three-Stage Life-Cycle of Tapeworms

Three main life-cycle stages of tapeworm are eggs, larvae and adults. Larvae refers to the worms cropping up from newly hatched eggs. It is during the larvae stage that tapeworms tend to move on from the intestine.

Types of Tapeworms

Tapeworm are classified depending upon where the parasite had been staying before causing infection to humans. Some of the most common types of tapeworms occurring in humans are given below:
Beef Tapeworm

This parasite also referred to as Taenia saginata resides in cattle. Consuming poorly cooked beef is the primary factor responsible for Taenia saginata to spread in humans. Beef is said to be well-cooked if it does not appear pink from inside. Lengthwise beef tapeworms can be anywhere between 4 m to 10 m.
Beef tapeworm affecting humans is usually not a cause for concern as the parasitic infection in most cases remains confined to the intestine. The parasite usually does not migrate to other parts of the body, hence can be easily treated.
Pork Tapeworms

Also known as Taenia solium, these parasites live in pigs. The larvae reside in the muscle tissues of pigs. These parasites that are usually 2-3 m long can cause a serious infection, especially when their larvae get transported through the bloodstream to different areas of the body.
Fish Tapeworm

The parasite infects humans after consuming raw fish such as salmon and is found to be the longest tapeworm affecting humans. Once inside the body, the larvae develops into adult tapeworms in just 3-6 weeks and can be as long as 30 feet. These parasites especially absorb vitamin B12 from ingested food. No wonder, vitamin B12 deficiency is common in people with fish tapeworm infection.


Unsanitary conditions and inadequate hygiene is the main cause of tapeworms in humans. The worms enter the body when food contaminated with tapeworm eggs is eaten. Once inside the body, the eggs hatch and release larvae which usually live in the intestines. When tapeworms mature, they lay thousand of eggs, some of which pass into the feces, while others move to other body parts and spread the infection. In rare cases, tapeworms cause inflammation of the intestine.

Risk Factors

Drinking unclean water just once can also greatly increase the risk of getting tapeworm infection in humans. Although eating vegetables in raw form is good for health, the same thing cannot be said about meat. Tapeworm transmission is the likely outcome if meat is not cooked properly. Under-cooked meat, be it chicken, pork or fish contain tapeworm cysts that eventually grow into an adult tapeworm.
An infected person who does not follow basic sanitary practices before preparing meals is likely to spread the infection. Tapeworm eggs are eliminated out of the body during bowel movement.
So, if the infected person ignores washing hands after a trip to the toilet and prepares meal, there is a high probability that you may get infected after consuming this food.
In case you come in contact with feces that is harboring tapeworm eggs and unknowingly bring that contaminated hand near your mouth, you may inhale tapeworm eggs, which may hatch later in your intestines.


When tapeworms are present in the intestine, the following symptoms may be observed:
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Malnutrition
  • Muscle weakness
  • Intestinal disorders such as diarrhea and constipation
  • Difficulty Sleeping


Pork tapeworm when in the larvae stage are notorious for causing serious damage by moving out of the intestine and infecting the organs such as the lungs, eyes, skeletal muscles, liver or the brain. The larvae upon migrating to other organs, form cysts (tiny sacs into which it hides itself). 
This condition in which cysts develop in different regions of the body is known as cysticercosis. The cysts formed, do not immediately cause health problems. It may take years before the cysts become inflamed and cause swelling in the affected region.
In case, the larvae have migrated to the brain and its cysts have swollen enough to disturb brain function, it may lead to frequent headaches, vision problems, seizures, meningitis and even dementia. This condition in which the pork tapeworm larvae enter the brain and cause damage is referred to as neurocysticercosis.
Epilepsy has often been associated with neurocysticercosis in the developing countries like China and Africa. However, it is also becoming an increasing concern in our very own United States of America. One study showed that approximately 220 people died in US due to cysticercosis from 1990 to 2002.


Doctor often check the stool sample of patients to look for these parasites. Adult tapeworms are large enough to be visible to the naked eyes. However, if they cannot be seen that doesn't mean tapeworm infection is absent. The stool will be analyzed under a microscope to see if the fecal matter is contaminated with eggs.
If microscopic examination reveals the presence of tapeworm eggs, it is indicating a parasitic infection. To get an idea about the amount of damage inflicted by the tapeworms, the patient may be advised to undergo an ultrasound or a MRI scan of the infected area.


Oral medications are commonly prescribed for the treatment of intestinal parasites. The medicine that the doctor may advice is Niclosamide (Niclocide). This drug is extremely effective as it is capable of destroying tapeworms rapidly. Most importantly, these tablets are safe to use for both adults and children.
Side effects associated with Niclocide are mild and not a cause of concern. For optimum results, one has to first chew the tablet properly and then swallow it with water. Children are generally given these tablets in a powdered form. However, the recommended dosage for both adults and children varies significantly.
Another medication given to people infected with tapeworms is Praziquantel (Biltricide). This medicine, available in a pill and tablet form, is a boon for people diagnosed with parasitic infection. The tablets have a bitter taste, so chewing the tablets would not be a good option. However, these medicines can help to get rid of this parasitic infection when taken in the prescribed dosage. The dosage completely depends on how severe the infection is.
Albendazole is another medication used for treating human tapeworm infection. This medicine basically prevents these worms from absorbing nutrients in food. Eventually, these parasites die for want of food. Albendazole is an excellent remedy to eradicate tapeworms in humans.


It is essential that you stay away from foodstuffs on which tapeworms can easily proliferate. These include processed foods (including meat), sugary products and cold drinks. So, instead go for leafy green vegetables and carrots as they can cause significant amount of harm to the tapeworms.
Eating raw fresh garlic and unsweetened yogurt increases population of good bacteria in the intestine, which may help to combat this parasitic infection. A colon cleanse with a herbal laxative may also help to clear tapeworm infection.


You can keep tapeworm infection at bay by ensuring that the meat is cooked properly. A well cooked meat heated over 65 degree Celsius destroys the tapeworm cysts. Larval cysts also cannot survive in extremely cold environment, hence eating frozen meat is also not a cause for concern.
However, freezing it for a day or two is not enough. You got to set the freezer at minus 20 degree Celsius and keep the meat in it for 4-6 days to kill the tapeworm cysts. On the whole, cooking meat thoroughly and drinking clean purified water is a must to prevent tapeworms from invading humans.
On the whole, this parasitic infection can be effectively controlled by maintaining personal hygiene. Washing hands thoroughly before eating food, and especially after coming from the washroom is necessary, as unwashed hands are a potent source of parasitic infection.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.