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Tender Stomach

Do you have a tender stomach with other painful signs and symptoms? You definitely would like to discover the causes and treatment for it. So, read on...
Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
Tender stomach, more often than not translates to stomach pain. Stomach ailments are among the most common form of disorders that plague people across the world. There can be a myriad of tender stomach causes. Although, most causes are likely to be of minor consequence, there can be a few pretty serious ones as well.


Sometimes, the lining of the stomach or intestine may get inflamed due to variety of reasons. Acute stomach pain or intestine inflammation is called stomach flu (gastroenteritis) and this condition largely attributes to the cause of tender stomach pain.
The cause of stomach flu could be bacterial or viral infection. Another common cause of tender stomach is Helicobacter pylori infection.
It may also result due to eating wrong foods, which may eventually lead to food poisoning, which is another cause of tender, upset stomach. This mostly happens due to consumption of deteriorated foods or food cooked in unhygienic conditions. Intolerance to some foodstuffs or food allergies may also cause your stomach to become sensitive and tender.
Heartburn and acid reflux are the conditions that surface shortly after eating. Thus, if you have tender stomach with pain that erupts after eating, you can attribute it to heartburn or acid reflux disease. Abdominal aneurysm is a severe cause which stems from localized widening of an artery or vein in stomach region.
It can lead to the rupture, which may have hazardous consequences. If the tenderness is near the navel region, then you should look out for the symptoms of acute appendicitis. Tender stomach during pregnancy is also common, with tenderness around the navel region.


  • Stomach pain and nausea.
  • Sharp pain on palpation of the affected region.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the abdominal area.
  • Stomach pain and diarrhea.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Stomach cramps.
  • Fatigue.
  • Sweating.
  • Irritability and increased susceptibility to infections.
Symptoms such as bloody stools or tarry black stools warrant immediate medical intervention. Similarly, conditions such as acute sharp pain that surfaces frequently is not to be ignored.


Treatment for tender stomach largely depends upon the underlying cause. If you experience the severe symptoms listed in this story, then hospitalization maybe required. Your doctor can diagnose the cause by performing several tests. Severe causes such as acute appendicitis or abdominal aneurysm may need to be operated upon immediately.
If the cause for tender stomach is stomach flu then, you can even treat it at home with the help of some prescription drugs. Diarrhea and vomiting can be eased by increasing the intake of fluids. Lemon or ginger juice can instantly ease the discomfort. However, steer clear of sports drinks as they contain sugar and dye.
Similarly, avoid ginger ale, which can irritate the stomach further due to its carbonization. It is best to stick to water and maybe small portions of juice, if you have persistent vomiting and diarrhea. If you feel hungry, then nibble on some dry toast or salted crackers.
However, it is best to wait for at least a couple of hours to eat, since you last threw up. Even after the symptoms of stomach flu subside, stick to bland food for at least 3 - 4 days. Most people resort to a normal diet immediately after the symptoms disappear, however, this only causes the stomach flu to relapse.
It is therefore recommended that you wait for your body to regain its full strength before you resume normal diet and routine.
Tender stomach is a very vague term and does not explain the peculiar causes and symptoms. Thus, if you feel sick in the stomach, it is wise to get yourself checked by a doctor who may be able to diagnose and treat the cause correctly.