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Things You Should Know About Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Manali Oak
A small effort to spread awareness about the Coronavirus outbreak and the precautions you should take.

What You Didn’t Know About Coronaviruses

  • Their appearance has given them this name. Observed under a microscope, they seem to be covered by pointed structures that surround them like a corona.
  • They have high substitution rates which means they can rapidly exploit environments where they reside.
  • They mutate fast, which leads to higher production of new strains. Reason why multiple Covid-19 strains have emerged.
  • They are highly adaptive due to which they can affect multiple species. Reason why they spread fast.
The good thing is that this virus is bigger and heavier than other respiratory viruses, which limits the distance it can travel before falling to the ground. With Coronavirus, it is just 1-2 m.

How Covid-19 Emerged

This disease is caused by a new coronavirus that emerged in China in December 2019. Covid-19 first appeared in Wuhan, China, where some people visiting a seafood market caught viral pneumonia from this new virus.
Some Chinese scientists have attributed pangolins as the source of the outbreak. Most likely this coronovirus has spread from bats to humans through an intermediate host which is yet to be identified.
SARS was the first human coronavirus. It originated in China in 2003. MERS, discovered in 2012, was the second major outbreak of coronavirus that started in Saudi Arabia. Research is yet to conclude how the virus originated.

How Covid-19 Spreads

The virus can spread between people at a distance of about 6 feet from one another. The disease spreads through respiratory droplets (cough or sneeze) of the infected person.
One can contract the disease if he touches an object that has the virus and then touches his mouth, nose or eyes. One person infects more than 2-3, which means Covid-19 is relatively faster spreading than other viral infections.
Covid-19 has spread to more than 100 countries and WHO has declared this coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic.
More than 300,000 Coronavirus cases have been reported and the disease has caused over 12,000 deaths worldwide.

Actions Taken to Curb the Spread

Many countries including the USA have banned cross-border travel. Restrictions have been imposed on travel within the country as a measure to contain the spread of coronavirus. Many countries have implemented a ban on mass gatherings.
In many places, shops, restaurants, offices, and educational institutions have been closed. Only stores proving basic necessities are allowed to remain open. Operations in banks and government organizations have been reduced.
Public transport has been closed down in many places. Only those public services which are necessary are functioning.


Symptoms include fever, dry cough, fatigue and difficulty breathing. Less common symptoms include thick mucus from coughs, sore throat and headache.
After 14 days of exposure to the virus, the symptoms start appearing. Covid-19 can lead to respiratory problems, kidney failure and in rare cases, prove to be fatal.


  • Your travel history and whether you have interacted with a covid-19 patient, will be checked.
  • Factors like your symptoms, age and whether you fall in the high-risk group will also be considered.
  • For diagnosis, samples of your sputum, nasal swab or throat swab will be tested.

Who is at Risk

  • Older People
  • Those with a recent history of traveling to countries affected by Covid-19.
  • Those with underlying medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes and lung disease.


  • Practice good hygiene.
  • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water or a sanitizer with 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose and mouth).
  • Sneeze or cough in the bend of your elbow.
  • Cover your sneeze or cough.
  • Avoid crowds.
  • Avoid non-essential travel. Stay inside.

  • Self-quarantine, especially if you are experiencing symptoms such as cough and cold.
  • As the disease spreads from person to person, social distancing the best precaution.
If you are staying with or caring for someone with respiratory symptoms, wear a mask.
Keep your surroundings clean. Use disinfectants to clean surfaces that are often touched, like doorknobs, doorbells, furniture. Keep the floor clean.
This was an effort to give you authentic information about the coronavirus outbreak. Stay safe.
Do not believe in rumors. Understand that Coronavirus is a serious threat but don’t panic unnecessarily.

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