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Causes of Thumb Twitching

Rahul Thadani
There are a variety of factors that may cause thumb twitching. Most of these factors are out of our control and tracing their causes is a long and complicated procedure. But if you notice this disorder with alarming regularity, you must go and see a specialist as soon as possible.
If you are experiencing thumb twitches off late, then you need to sit up and take notice. But you don't have to panic. Thumb twitching is not something out of the ordinary. Just because you are experiencing twitching does not necessarily mean that you have contracted some major disease.

Possible Factors Behind Twitching in Thumb

Now if you find yourself experiencing this problem on a regular basis and feel that it is continuing for a period of time that can be considered abnormal, you should be aware of its possible causes and its repercussions as well. There are many small injuries, one of the symptoms of which is the twitching thumb.
In most likelihood, you probably have a repetitive motion injury of some sort, that is causing the twitch. A repetitive motion injury is something that is the prelude to serious nerve trauma or damage.
You must visit a neurologist immediately and have your thumb looked at. For the detection and treatment of nerve trauma there are very specific tests that need to be carried out, and only a specialist can carry out these procedures.
Common causes of excessive twitching are carpal tunnel syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome and ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). It can also be caused by genetic compositions, and you can be assured that this is the cause if the twitching begins in the shoulders or the ribs. Some types of epilepsy and even Parkinson's disease start in this way only.
There are some other common causes such as:

Diet deficiency
Drug overdose
Drug side effects
Faulty exercise
Benign twitches

Tests Conducted for Twitching in Thumb

Neurologist conducts many tests to ascertain the possible causes of twitching thumb. Still, you may not receive a diagnosis right away and may even be required to visit the specialist oftenly. Tests like urine tests, blood sugar level tests, nerve conduction tests and other regular blood tests will be carried out at the clinic, causing less inconvenience.
There will be a few other tests though, that will have to be performed at some outpatient facilities. Some of these tests are spinal tap, an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan and other specialist blood tests.
The most important thing to remember while experiencing this phenomenon is to not ignore the twitching. It could be a symptom of anything, explained or unexplained, and ignoring it would only increase the level of risk involved.
While it is important to not panic at the sight of a twitching thumb, you must closely monitor it and if it occurs frequently and for long periods of time, you must go visit a specialist immediately.


The information provided here is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.