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Thyroid Cyst

Naomi Sarah
A thyroid cyst is formed due to an abnormality in the thyroid gland where swelling takes place, that can either go away without turning into a large protrusion, or swell up in size as time lapses. Find out here, the causes, symptoms and treatment methods for this problem.

What You Should Know

  • Thyroid nodules may be: Entirely Cystic (fluid-filled with no solid components found in it) or Complex (both fluid and solid components found in it).
  • Most of the thyroid cysts are usually benign and may last for several years without giving any trouble (symptomless).
  • Doctors do not employ surgery as their foremost option.
A thyroid cyst occurs when thyroid nodules increase in size, forming a lump-like bulge, wherein the thyroid gland is responsible. This gland is located just below one's Adam's apple, and envelops both the windpipe and trachea. 
An enlarged thyroid nodule can appear in any one part of the thyroid gland, and isn't something that can easily be felt upon, due to its initial small size.
Most thyroid nodules are noncancerous in nature, although some cases do show signs of thyroid cancer development. So here we'll look into how and why this takes place, and what treatment is put forth to patients, experiencing an enlargement of the thyroid gland.


Before we get into how an enlarged thyroid gland shows signs of swelling, we first look into the causes as to why this problem occurs.
  • Radiation done around one's face area, can bring on a case of a thyroid cyst in the future.
  • Follicular adenoma
  • Thyroid cancer is a possibility, where the neck can swell up and cause pain around the area. A family history of this, can make a person susceptible to this condition.
  • Lack of iodine in one's body
  • A colloid nodule is one that appears but doesn't spread out across the thyroid gland, and is noncancerous in nature. This happens in some cases, where the swelling will go down eventually.
  • You could be experiencing hyperthyroidism, where the glands enlarge.
  • Multinodular goiter is when the thyroid nodules swell up due to the presence of many of them at a time. It can be quite discomforting, due to the obstruction it causes for breathing and swallowing.
  • Chronic inflammation due to Hashimoto's disease
  • Thyroid levels can fluctuate causing one's glands to swell up.
  • Thyroid cysts can also be fluid in nature, and not completely solid. Complex cysts can be cancerous, while normal cysts are usually the opposite.
  • Thyroiditis takes place due to chronic inflammation again.


Thyroid problems will showcase signs that are distinctly that of the formation of a cyst, or due to hormonal changes in the gland. We look into how certain signs come about, when the thyroid gland acts up.
  • The swelling is evident at the bottom of one's neck.
  • Feeling nervous and on edge frequently is another symptom.
  • You can feel a sort of bump forming at the base of your neck.
  • Hard to the touch
  • Losing weight without a cause
  • Irritable in nature
  • Heart rate is faster than normal.
  • Problems while breathing or swallowing
  • Sleep is disturbed
  • Feeling weakened

Careful Examination

Some doctors advise that nodules be examined at different intervals of time over the course of a few days, to watch out for signs of nodules turning cancerous. If not, then treatment is usually not needed.
If you feel that medication and treatment is required, you can be open to other options instead. In order to supply iodine to the thyroid gland, this is taken in liquid form, and is called radioactive iodine.
Within a span of 2-3 months, the nodules shrink in size, ultimately causing the iodine to destroy these in the bloodstream. Watch out for hyperthyroidism as an aftereffect, since functions of the thyroid slow down during this process.


Finding an enlarged thyroid treatment method that works is purely chosen after the thyroid gland is inspected and evaluated on how bad its state is. Here are the proposed options when dealing with a thyroid cyst.

Thyroid Hormone Suppression (THS) Therapy

The hormone that stimulates the thyroid issue, which is TSH, needs to slow down in its secretion rate, which the pituitary gland handles when manipulated. For this, a pill is given, which is a form of thyroxine, and comes in two parts, Synthroid and Levoxyl. This is still under speculation whether it is a necessary method, but it's nonetheless tried out.


This option requires a procedure to remove cancerous nodules present within the thyroid gland, along with a portion of the tissue. This surgery is called near total thyroidectomy.
When thyroid glands swell up and become too enlarged, this is a necessary means to deal with the problem by going through a thyroid cyst removal procedure. This is a method that is decided upon for various problems related to the thyroid gland, to closely evaluate how cancerous the nodules are in nature.
There are natural thyroid treatments that can be used to help with a thyroid cyst formation, which you can ask your doctor about. Get signs of swelling and hardening checked out, before it turns into something worse.
Disclaimer: This post is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.