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Symptoms of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Buzzle Staff
Thyroid problems are mainly associated with over-secretion or under-secretion of hormones by the thyroid gland. Here is a comprehensive article describing the symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism..
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland becomes underactive and does not produce the required amount of thyroid hormone needed for various bodily functions. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, occurs when the thyroid gland becomes overactive and produces too much of the thyroid hormone.

What Indicates Hypothyroidism?

Symptoms of thyroid disorders, especially with hypothyroid conditions are different in infants and children, when compared with adults.
In babies, there are four main symptoms which include:
» Poor feeding
» Jaundice (characterized by yellow or orange colored skin)
» Excessive fatigue
» Sleepiness
» Constipation
The early symptoms in adults include:
» Constipation
» Carpal tunnel syndrome
» Getting tired very easily
» Low cold tolerance
Later symptoms include:
» Dry skin
» Anorexia
» Increasingly deep voice
» Hair begins to fall out very easily
» Weight gain
» Depression
» Puffy eyes
Note: Hypothyroidism commonly affects women. Should hypothyroidism symptoms be found during pregnancy, there are greater risks for stillbirths in the baby and in addition greater risks of anemia, and other pregnancy risks associated with carrying the baby to full term.

What Indicates Hyperthyroidism?

The main symptoms in adults include:
» Nervousness
» Tremors in the hand
» A sensation of feeling hot even in cooler temperatures
» Excessive sweating
» Irregular menstruation
» Even though there may be an increase in appetite (due to the increase in metabolism) the person loses weight
» Increase in bowel movements
Other symptoms may include:
» Joint pain
» Loss of ability to concentrate
» Insomnia
» In the elderly, there is an increased sensation of chest pain
» Angina in those who already have heart disease
» Shortness of breath
» Muscles in the shoulders and thighs weaken

When to Seek Medical Care?

These thyroid disorders usually take weeks or months to fully develop. Ergo, as with all disorders, it is best to seek medical treatment at the earliest. Symptoms should be reported to the doctor for examination and possible treatment. This is especially true with hypothyroidism, which can severely affect the brain and lead to intestinal disorders.
Emergency medical care should be sought, in case the affected individual experiences severe symptoms such as - difficulty breathing, pain in the abdominal area, disorientation or vomiting.
Hyperthyroidism can lead to heart and brain disorders. It can be life-threatening in event of thyrotoxic crisis. However this condition is usually seen in people, who are getting none or inadequate treatment for their thyroid condition. As in the above case seek emergency treatment for chest or abdominal pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, disorientation (lack of knowledge of the date and time), etc.
If you have the slightest doubt and suffer from any of the above listed symptoms, it is best to consult a medical professional right away. A timely diagnosis can prevent a lot of ensuing complications from arising.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.