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How to Remove Ticks from Humans

A tick attached to your skin may be removed with the help of fine-tipped tweezers. This story carries valuable information on the removal of these parasites from the human body.
Bidisha Mukherjee
Ticks are small invertebrate creatures with a size as small as a sesame seed, and are found in tall grass and woods. These are not insects, but members of the family Arachnids, which happens to be the same as that of spiders and scorpions. They are parasitic in nature and suck out blood from human body.
They act as carriers for various bacteria that may cause some harmful diseases in humans such as lyme disease, tularemia, and rocky mountain spotted fever. When these parasites come in contact with human skin, they get embedded in the skin's surface, which makes its removal a difficult task.

Removal Technique

First of all, avoid burning the tick with a match or applying some chemicals, grease, alcohol, etc., since these methods tend to irritate the pest, and it would burrow deeper into the skin's surface to save itself. As a result, it may suck out more blood from the victim's body and release pathogens into the body through its saliva.
The technique of removing this parasite is very important since an improper method may lead an injury to the tick, or a part of its mouth submerged in to the skin. This may lead to the transmission of the tick's harmful saliva into the human body. Therefore, the following instructions may help remove the parasite safely:

Step #1

First of all, you have to procure a pair of tweezers which has a fine tip. This may enable you to have a better grip over the pest. The next thing you need to do is wash your hands thoroughly with an antibacterial soap. Ticks may be found in areas where the skin is thin like the armpits, ankles, groin, and scalp. You would be able to remove the pests from all parts of the body yourself except the scalp. For removing the parasite from the head, you may need someone else to do it.

Step #2

Use the sharp-pointed end of the tweezers to grab the tick near the base close to the skin surface. This may ensure that the entire body of the pest is removed. You should position the tweezers in such a way that you are able to hold on to its embedded mouth parts, and not its body or head. This is because if the head or body gets compressed, then a large amount of contaminated saliva may get released into your body.

Step #3

Once you have the tick with the tweezers, pull it up straight with a slow and steady motion so that it gets detached from the skin's surface. While plucking out the pest, you must take care that you do not crush it as it may release harmful saliva in your body. You should also avoid twisting its body or any jerking motion for the same reason.

Step #4

After removal, you must dispose of the pest properly since it may attack other humans at home all over again. Do not try to crush or smash it with your hands or feet. You may either put it into a container of isopropyl alcohol or throw it into a fire.

Step #5

Now, you have to take care of the wounded part of the skin. If you notice any black spots in the area, then it is likely that part of the tick is still there. In this case, you must visit a doctor for further treatment as it may cause an infection. Otherwise, clean up the area with antibacterial soap and water.
Then apply an antiseptic ointment to disinfect it. Keep a close watch on the wounded site for the next 24-48 hours. Any swelling, redness ,or liquid discharge should be reported to the doctor since these are all indications of an infection. Skin rashes from the tick bite may appear even after 30 days. So, you must observe it closely during this time.
During its elimination, you should make efforts to keep the pest alive in order to reduce the chance of an infection to some extent. Some of the common symptoms of the tick-transmitted diseases are fever, muscle pain, joint pain, headache, etc. If you observe such symptoms a few days after successfully eliminating the pests from your body, consult your doctor immediately.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.