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Tickle in Throat

One of the main symptoms of pharynx dryness is a tickle in your throat, which then leads to coughing and irritation. This story provides some treatment options to get rid of the same.
Indrajit Deshmukh
It can be very distracting, and sometimes, painful as well if you have a persistent tickle in and around your throat. Generally, this is a symptom of cold. A throat infection may be one of the causes of the ticklish feeling you are experiencing in your throat.
It can be one of the early signs of common cold or may even indicate a tonsillitis problem. Allergies can also lead to throat tickle. Sometimes, along with the tickling, you might even feel irritation and see a visible redness in the throat.
You will feel a constant need to clear your throat, and this can be very annoying for you as well as others around you. Since our vocal cords are very delicate, constant throat clearing might damage them.


Following are some treatment options to get rid of throat tickle:

Cough Pills

There are plenty of over-the-counter cough pills that will give you relief from your throat irritation. All you need to do is suck on these tablets, and they slowly provide respite to the throat by soothing the affected area. However, these pills are only meant for short-term relief and cannot provide a long-term solution or cure.


The best remedy against inflammation is to have antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Although you might feel a little weak after an antibiotic dose, it is a good way to guard yourself against any further complications. There are some over-the-counter antibiotics available, but it is not wise to self medicate.


Doctors suggest to drink a lot of water to get relief from throat irritation. Hydrating the throat thins the mucus and also soothes the pharynx. Water is also effective in clearing cough and irritation. Hydrating the body is important, so remember to drink some hot soups along with your meals.

Salt Water

Take a glass of lukewarm water mixed with a teaspoon of salt. Use this solution to gargle at least 4-5 times a day. Do not use hot water as you may burn yourself. Also, drinking lukewarm water throughout the day will help alleviate the symptoms.


Many medicinal qualities that are found in honey are good for curing the throat tickle. Take 3-4 tablespoons full of honey and squeeze a little lime in it. Now, add this to a glass of warm water and drink it slowly. Repeat this drink 3-4 times a day and see the benefits. You will notice an instant reduction in your throat irritation.

Apple Cider Vinegar

An excellent remedy for constant sore throat is adding 2-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to warm water and drinking it a few sips at a time. You can also use this concoction to gargle few times in a day.

Ginger Tea

Boil a cup of water and add a big piece of ginger to it. Let the water boil until it becomes yellowish in color. You can also add a couple of cinnamon sticks to this along with honey to improve the taste. Let the tea cool down a bit before you consume it. You can have this tea a couple of times a day, and drinking it just before going to sleep has benefits as well.
A ticklish throat can really put you off work and disturb your concentration; however, with a little bit of care, you can get over this problem. A scratchy throat is generally a symptom of some other underlying problems, so it is advisable to increase the intake of vitamin C to strengthen your immune system.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.