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Causes of Tingling in Feet

Dhanashree Patane
It is necessary to be aware about the common factors that cause a feeling of discomfort in the body. The following story on tingling feet explores one such segment called peripheral neuropathy in the feet.
The human body defines the extremity of scientific wonders, and our nervous system is one such virtuoso of the body. It is made up of millions of neurons, forming an interconnected network, which smoothly executes the cardinal functions of our body. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of the major nervous systems in the body. The nerves traveling from the brain and spinal cord to all parts of the body are called peripheral nerves.
Peripheral neuropathy is a scientific term used to describe the damage caused to these nerves, and it results in symptoms,like pain, tingling (in the hands, fingers, toes, and feet) numbness, and weakness. Compression of the nerves present in foot tissues or chemical irritation of foot-related nerves causes a tingling sensation in the feet.
When the blood circulation is disturbed or cut off, you feel numbness in the feet, and tingling generally happens once the blood starts circulating there properly. Tingling in the feet is associated with indicants, like tickling, pricking, creeping, feeling the presence of pins and needles, and ant crawling-like sensations. It is definitely disturbing and annoying as well. There are several external and internal reasons that can cause this ticklish feeling. Let us discuss some of these.

External Causes of Tingling in Feet

• Standing or being seated in the same position for a long time
• Wearing improper footwear
• Restrictive or tight clothes
• Compression of nerves:
When you sit in cramped conditions, do rigorous exercises like jumping, or sit with legs crossed, the nerves experience a prolonged pressure resulting in a tingling sensation in the feet.

• Lack of blood supply to a particular area, pressure on the spinal nerves, and metabolic disorders also result in poor blood circulation in the feet region.
• Other factors resulting in poor blood circulation are alcohol abuse, smoking, obesity, low physical activity, sluggish lifestyle, dehydration, seizures, and radiation therapies.
• Trauma can also injure the nerves of the feet.
• Dietary deficiency of vitamins B1 (thiamine), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (niacin), and nicotinic acid; minerals like calcium and potassium; and sodium is also one of the causes.
• Certain medications and substances that can cause tingling in feet are: alcohol, tobacco, amiodarone, disulfiram, nitrofurantoin, platinum, lead, metronidazole, procarbazine, thallium, arsenic, gold, heavy metals, lead, insecticides, vincristine, etc.

Internal Physical Causes and Diseases

» Diabetes: The nerves tend to get damaged in a person with diabetes.
» Acromegaly: Excessive tingling in hands and feet is a symptom of this disease.
» Amyloidosis: A rare disease in which one experiences tingling in hands and feet occasionally.
» Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: Out here, swelling and irritation (inflammation) in the nerves leads to loss of movement or sensation.
» Fabry's disease: A rare systemic disease that causes intense burning or a tingling pain, usually in the hands or feet.
» Denny-Brown's syndrome: It is a rare, inherited disorder of the nervous system.
» Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: It is also an inherited nerve disorder.
» Olivopontocerebellar atrophy: It is an inherited disease affecting the brain, and neuropathy is one of the symptoms.
» Porphyria: A disorder affecting blood formation, which causes nervous system problems and muscle seizures.
» Buerger's disease: Causes swelling and clotting in the small and medium blood vessels, resulting in numbness and tingling.
» HIV: Out here, the virus attacks the nerves and damages them, resulting in numbness and tingling in the feet and hands.
» Systemic lupus erythematosus: A chronic autoimmune disease, which leads to poor circulation in the fingers and toes.
» Sjogren's syndrome: It is an autoimmune disorder affecting exocrine glands.
» Multiple sclerosis: Out here the central nervous system is affected, resulting in tingling.
» Lyme disease: An infectious disease caused by ticks that causes the nerves to swell.
» Leprosy: It affects the peripheral nerves.
» Polyneuritis: Out here the nerves get inflamed, resulting in tingling and numbness.
» Hypothyroidism: In this, the secretion of thyroid hormones is insufficient.

Home Remedies

Moderate numbness & tingling can be diagnosed & treated at home itself, so here are a few simple ideas:

☛ Give rest to your feet after prolonged sitting or standing in one position. Stretching and massaging the feet will also help.
☛ Avoid excessive intake of carbohydrates and sugar, and if you are diabetic, strictly restrict your daily glucose intake.
☛ Avoid excessive intake of alcohol and tobacco.
☛ Vitamin supplements will help if you suffer from vitamin deficiency.
☛ If you experience tingling in feet for a long period of time, put your feet in cold or ice water. This will help in subsiding the sensation.
If these home remedies do not help and the sensation continues to persist, it is wise to consult a doctor, who will advice the necessary medications and remedies after determining the root cause. Do not jump to any conclusion if you experience a feeling of numbness or tingling. Always get a proper diagnosis done before resorting to any intervention.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.