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Why Do Toenails Fall off for No Reason

Niharika Arya
Fungal infection is one of the most common reasons behind falling off toenails. Though it can be treated, you can also follow some precautionary measure to avoid such situation.
Toenail can either fall off due to injury or due to some fungal infection. This medical condition is known as onychoptosis. It can be treated with the help of ointments, oral medications and many herbal remedies. After the treatment, nails get back to their original shape as they have the ability to grow again.

Why Does a Toenail Fall Off?

Nails are the non living parts in our body like hair, but they are also important as without nails your hands or feet will look incomplete. Hence falling nails can be a matter of concern. Toenail can fall off for mainly two reasons: fungal infection and injury. Let's find out the details in the following paragraphs.

Fungal Infection

Fugal infection in nails is contagious. It is caused by a group of fungi known as dermatophytes. They attack the nails in warm and humid atmosphere as this condition is favorable for their survival. They feed on the hard part of the nails which is known as keratins and eat-up the surface of nail.
It can spread and infect other nails also if not treated on time. When the nail is attacked by the fungus, major symptom of the infection is color change of the nail. It may discolor and turn to brown, white or yellow and become hard and brittle.
The nail sometimes splits and finally fall off. Although the nail grows back even after it is affected by toenail fungus, it is very important to get antifungal treatment to hinder the regrowth of fungus.


The toenail are more likely to get hurt when we walk, run or play. Wearing tight shoes may harm the toenail specially when the nails are big. Football players and athletes are more prone to toenail falling off due to injury. When the toenail is hurt, the blood vessels break down and the blood clots inside the nail.
Due to this, the nail turns black or blackish blue in color and after sometime it falls off. This can be painful and may even cause trouble while walking. Try to maintain cleanliness so that it may be prevented from further infection. Don't worry if the nail falls off as it will grow again. Just take care and clean the affected area daily.

Toenail Falling Off Treatment

Many people usually wonder, how to stop a toenail from falling off? Following are some of the treatments which will help you to get rid of this condition.
  • There are many antifungal creams and ointments available in the market which can help you to stop the fungal growth. Benzalkonium chloride is best known antiseptic for toenail fugal treatment.
  • Many oral medications are also available in the market which will help to get rid of the infection.
  • Surgeries are conducted in the severe cases. In case of injury, the doctor drills through the nail and drains the blood to save the nail from falling off.
  • You can also get antifungal nail paints in the market which will save your nails from being infected.
  • Apart from the medical cures, there are many home remedies too which can help you to cure this infection, like tea tree oil. Apple cider vinegar cure for toenail fungus is also considered as one of the best known treatment.

How to Prevent Toenail from Falling Off

As prevention is better than cure, you can follow the precautions given below so as to avoid the situation of your big toenail falling off.
  • Avoid walking barefoot on dirty and public places as this can infect your nails.
  • Cut your nails regularly and keep them clean.
  • Wear comfortable shoes which will aid proper blood circulation.
  • Don't forget to wear socks as they soak all the sweat which helps your toe to stay away from fungal growth.
  • In case of injury, keep your toe nails clean and apply proper ointment. If you are unable to get relief then see a doctor before it gets infected.
Follow all the precautions in order to avoid any kind of infection. Hygiene plays a very important role in keeping your nails healthy. So, take care and forget about falling nails.