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Tophi Gout

Chandramita Bora
Tophi gout is the condition, where crystals of monosodium urate accumulate in the joints, tendons, and the cartilage. It is a type of metabolic disorder that can eventually damage the bones and the cartilage of the body. Find out the causes, risk factors, as well as the symptoms of this condition, through this story.
Gout is a metabolic disorder and is characterized by the presence of a high level of uric acid in the body. It is caused by a defect in uric acid metabolism. Tophi gout refers to the condition, where uric acid or monosodium urate crystals accumulate in the joints. The terms, tophus (singular) and tophi (plural) are used to refer to the crystals of monosodium urate, which can form in the joints, bones, cartilage, and the tendons.
The joints that are more likely to be affected by this condition are the big toes, ankles, fingers, the wrist joint, elbows, and the heels. Over a period of time, the affected joint swells and appears deformed due to the deposition of uric acid crystals. Tophi can be visible as whitish nodules, and can be quite painful. The formation of uric acid crystals can sometimes damage the bones and cartilage of the body.

What Causes Tophi Gout?

The condition does not develop all of a sudden. It can take several years for tophi or uric acid crystals to deposit in the joints from the onset of gout attacks. On an average, tophi can take about 10 years to develop from the onset of gout, if it is left untreated. However, elderly people can develop this condition earlier, if the level of uric acid in their body is consistently high for a long time.
The development of uric acid crystals or tophi is mainly a complication of untreated gout. One can develop gout due to various reasons. For some, it could be an inherited abnormality in uric acid metabolism, while for others it could be associated with an inability of the kidneys to eliminate uric acid from the blood effectively.
The main risk factors for gout are, excessive alcohol consumption, over-consumption of certain foods, like red meat, seafood, organ meat, sugar, and oily fish, and some health conditions, like obesity, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes.
The prolonged use of diuretics, aspirin, and niacin can also cause this condition. Sometimes, the simultaneous use of cyclosporine and hydrochlorothiazide can be associated with gout attacks. Apart from these, an individual is more likely to experience gout attacks, if someone in his or her family has this condition.
Gout is more prevalent among men, while the risk of developing this condition increases in women after menopause.

Tophi Gout Treatment

The treatment involves the use of medications that can dissolve the uric acid crystals, and lower the level of uric acid in the body. If the level of uric acid in blood can be lowered, then the development of tophi can be prevented. Febuxostat and pegloticase are two important medications available for treating this condition. They can be quite effective in dissolving the crystals of monosodium urate.
Another treatment option is surgery, which can be employed to break down the uric acid crystals, and then remove them from the body. The development of tophi gout can be prevented by treating gout on time. Medications that are usually prescribed to manage and prevent gout attacks are, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, xanthine oxidase inhibitors, colchicine, allopurinol, and probenecid.
Many people have also benefited from some natural remedies. These remedies may help relieve the joint pain, swelling, and other symptoms of this condition, besides preventing the formation of uric acid crystals in the body.
Some such important natural remedies for gout are, cherry juice, vegetables juice like carrot juice, beet juice, and cucumber juice, fruits like apples, bananas, grapes, lime, and blueberries, apple cider vinegar, garlic, ginger, cayenne pepper, saffron, spearmint, and yarrow.
These natural remedies are usually not very effective in treating gout, if the condition has already reached the tophi stage. But they can help control and manage this condition in the early stage, and prevent its progression to the tophi stage.
For the effective treatment and prevention of this condition, it is important to follow a proper diet. You can talk to a dietitian or health care provider to know more about a suitable gout diet. To sum up, the best treatment for tophi gout is its prevention, which can be done by treating gout properly under the supervision of a certified physician.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice.