Transient lingual papillitis is a condition characterized by the development of small, red or white-colored bumps on the tongue. Find out more about its causes and treatment, in this post.
Transient lingual papillitis is also known as lie bumps, due to the belief or superstition that this condition is caused by telling lies.
One of the common tongue problems that can affect papillae of the dorsal surface of the tongue is transient lingual papillitis. It is a harmless, but annoying condition that resolves on its own within a few days. This usually affects the fungiform papillae, located on the sides and the dorsal surface of the tongue, mainly towards the tip.
The upper surface of the tongue contains a large number of papillae and taste buds. The papillae found on the tongue can be divided into four types on the basis of their structure or appearance. They are known as - filiform, fungiform, circumvallate, and foliate papillae.
All papillae, except the filiform papillae, contain taste buds, which are responsible for detecting the various components of taste. Women are known to possess more fungiform papillae than men.
More About Transient Lingual Papillitis
Transient lingual papillitis can be termed as a localized inflammatory condition that specifically affects the fungiform papillae of the dorsal tongue. It causes the development of small, white bumps on the upper surface of the tongue.
Sometimes, the bumps can be red in color, and they can produce a burning or tingling sensation on the tongue. As the fungiform papillae contain taste buds with a lot of nerves, the development of bumps on them can sometimes produce pain as well.
The classic form often presents itself as a single, painful red or white bump on the tongue, mostly towards the tip. Sometimes, more than one bump can appear and produce a burning sensation. The papulokeratotic variant of the disease is characterized by the appearance of several white bumps on the tongue. They usually do not produce any symptoms.
Another variant or a related condition is eruptive lingual papillitis, which usually causes the development of enlarged and inflamed fungiform papillae on the tip of the tongue, and also on the sides. They are often observed to be associated with fever and an enlargement of one or more lymph nodes.
What Causes Lie Bumps
One major factor believed to be associated with this condition is local trauma or irritation, which can result from accidental biting or scraping the tongue. Sometimes, rubbing the tongue against the roof of the mouth can also cause lie bumps. Even eating food with sharp edges can irritate the tongue, and may cause the development of lie bumps.
It has been observed that lie bumps may be associated with the consumption of highly acidic, as well as salty and spicy food in excess. Other possible causes for this condition include digestive ailments or gastrointestinal problems, stress, smoking, and hormonal fluctuations.
Lie bumps are also suspected to have an association with viral infections, which is based on the observation that these bumps commonly develop in the members of the same family.
It is believed that the virus responsible for causing lie bumps is contracted during childhood, just like the herpes simplex virus. The virus then causes recurrent episodes of transient lingual papillitis. However, this is only a speculation, and has not been proved scientifically.
The incidence of lie bumps has been found to be more in young women. Another related condition, known as fungiform papillary glossitis, is more common in patients with a history of allergic conditions, like asthma, hay fever, and eczema.
There are no conventional medicines to treat transient lingual papillitis. However, the following simple home remedies can help manage the pain and discomfort produced by this condition, until the bumps disappear on their own.
Apply a cold compress or an ice cube directly on the affected area of the tongue. This will soothe the bumps and help you get relief from the pain. You can also drink cold fluids to get relief from the discomforts produced by this condition.
Saline water is another effective home remedy for lie bumps. Just gargle your mouth with a mixture of lukewarm water and salt, and this will help prevent infections.
Chew a few mint leaves everyday, especially before bedtime until the bumps clear up.
Follow a balanced diet and drink plenty of water. A healthy and balanced diet with lots of fruits and green vegetables can resolve digestive issues, and help you remain healthy by providing all the nutrients required by the body.
Lie bumps usually subside within a week or so, without requiring any kind of medical treatment. However, some people may require numbing medicines or local anesthetics, if the pain becomes intolerable. Transient lingual papillitis is usually a harmless condition, and is not contagious.
But sometimes, the condition may be associated with other diseases, for which it is important to seek medical advice from an experienced physician or dentist, especially if your symptoms persist for more than a week.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice.