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Treatment Options Available for COVID-19

Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread everywhere. It has infected millions of people around the world. Doctors, scientists, and governments are collaborating to look for methods to tackle this pandemic.
rajat ziffytech
The Covid-19 belongs to the Coronavirus family that causes illness such as the common cold, SARS, and MERS. The newest strain of Coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-19 a pandemic.
Covid-19 is extremely infectious and spreads by the respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes or talks. The virus can survive on surfaces and can spread if a person touches his mouth, nose, or eyes after touching a contaminated surface.
Symptoms of Covid-19 are more severe in older adults or those with underlying health conditions. Common symptoms of Covid-19 are:-
3)Breathing difficulty
Other symptoms of Covid-19 may include:-
 1)Body ache
2)Loss of smell and taste 3)Headache
If you have had contact with a Covid-19 patient or have had a recent travel history, book a doctor in Pune immediately. Most people with Covid-19 will recover at home.
No specific treatment for the virus exists as of now and the best doctor in Pune will try to prescribe medication to alleviate your symptoms.
Currently, there are no antiviral medications to treat Covid-19. Drugs developed to treat other viral infections are being tested to see if they work against Covid-19. Some options being explored.