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Trigger Finger Exercises

Bhakti Satalkar
Trigger finger is a painful condition. Doing exercises for the condition, helps in eliminating the pain to a certain extent. Read on to know the various exercises for treating the condition.
Trigger finger condition is known as stenosing tenosynovitis. In this condition, when any one of the fingers of the hand or the thumb is bent, it locks in the position.
In some cases, the thumb may straighten out with a snap. This may feel like a trigger being pulled and released. In severe cases, the finger may lock, when bent and not release. This condition arises due to narrowing of the sheath, which surrounds the tendon of the finger.
Previously, this condition was commonly seen in the elderly, or in people who have suffered a trauma to the finger. However, now it is also commonly seen in the younger generation. In the younger generation, repetitive actions are known to trigger the conditions.
Exercises are recommended to treat the condition. It is important to get in touch with your health care professional, as soon as you notice symptoms.
If you are going to do the exercises after surgery, then it is important that you follow the advice of your health care professional. When you suffer from trigger finger pain, it is important that you rest your hand. The hand can also be placed in warm water.
The hand should be immersed in water. Try to rotate the hand, so that the tendons in the hand warm up sufficiently. After which try to stretch the finger.
This will help in regaining some motion in the finger. Using ice on the affected part also often helps in alleviating the condition. However, ensure that you do not apply ice on bare skin. You may try to massage the affected part as well. Keep in mind not perform any repetitive actions. Doing repetitive actions often leads to worsening of the condition.
1. In this exercise, the affected finger will be assisted for movement. Using the other hand, gently bend and straighten the affected finger. Try to move the finger in the largest range of motion. The hand should be bent, and straightened 10 to 12 times.
2. The next one is to stretch the fingers. It will help in keeping the connective tissues flexible. Using the other hand, try to pull the affected finger as far as you can. You should feel the stretch till the base of the finger. Try to hold the stretch for 10 to 15 seconds. The stretch should be repeated at least 8 to 10 times.
3. The first part of the exercise is to stretch the tendon. Stretching helps in breaking up adhesions, if any. Breaking up of the adhesions helps in preventing any further occurrences of the condition. Bend your arm at a 90 degree angle. Stretch the fingers as wide as you can. This position will resemble the bicep curl position.
At the same time, it will also help in stretching the tendons. Repeat this at least 10 to 12 times, for 4 to 5 days.
Repeat the exercises for 8 to 10 days in consultation with your health care professional. The health care professional may also recommend some changes in the exercises depending on your needs.
If the condition does not subside, trigger finger surgery may be required. However, such a condition seldom arises. It is important that you do not do the repetitive actions, till you are cured of the condition, as doing so, aggravates the condition.