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Tummy Tuck Scars

Bidisha Mukherjee
Tummy tuck scars are a major concern for those who have undergone cosmetic surgery to flatten their abdomen. This story will give you some knowledge related to their treatment.
Tummy tuck can be defined as a surgical procedure which is used to remove excess fat from the abdomen. In this process, an incision is made on the abdomen to get rid of the extra fat and skin from the region, so as to tighten the muscles of that area. The surgeons ensure that the incision is made in such a way that the scars are easily hidden. The severity largely depends on the extent of fat and skin that has to be removed.
If it is a partial surgery, then the scar is not so deep. But in case of a complete tummy tuck, they are wide and visible. They are most visible in the lower part of the abdomen which extends from one side of the hip to the other. They might be quite noticeable in the navel region as well. The condition of the wound is the worst in the first six months after the surgery, and then it starts improving. Slowly, it becomes flat and the color starts fading too.


Unfortunately, there are no means that can help to avoid these scars. However, if you take certain measures beforehand, then it can help to lessen the effect. They are as follows:
  • Discuss the issue with your surgeon. This will help you to have realistic expectations after the surgery. Your doctor will also try to restrain the wound to the minimal level. Thus, the scar will not be visible when you wear a swimsuit.
  • In order to bring about improvement in the skin condition, start taking multivitamin supplements and vitamin E. You should start these medicines two months before the surgery. If the skin is in a good condition, the damaging effect of the surgery will be minimum.
  • If you have the habit of smoking, you should quit it a few weeks before the surgery. This is because cigarettes and other tobacco products prevent the oxygen from reaching the skin cells. This will delay the healing process.
  • Follow a healthy diet which boosts the immune system, which in turn will speed up the recovery process. Also, maintain good personal hygiene to prevent any infection post surgery.


Once you have been discharged from the hospital, post surgery care is very essential for proper healing. Hence, strictly follow the instructions given by your surgeon for this purpose. If you take some measures during the recovery, then the scars will start fading away faster.

Cortisone Creams

During the healing process, doctors prescribe cortisone creams for the treatment. These keep the inflammation in check and thus prevent worsening of the wound.

Retinol Cream

When the wound is still red, you can apply retinol cream every night before going to bed. It is rich in vitamin A and promotes cell growth. It activates the collagen lying under the skin and helps to make the skin smoother.

Natural Remedies

When the scars have healed considerably, you can massage the area with olive oil and aloe vera gel. Mix the two ingredients and rub it over the affected area. It will improve the blood circulation and the skin will get better nourishment. The application of cocoa butter is another highly effective remedy.

Tanning Beds

Tanning can bring significant improvement to the affected area. For this, you have to cover up your face and rest of the body and tan the scarred part only. At the end, you will get wonderful results.
Whichever technique you follow, one thing to remember is that, it will take a lot of time before you get the desired results. Hence, you should be patient and not take any hasty measures to quicken the process. Until then, wear clothes that can cover up the marks. Another excellent way of hiding scars which have started to fade, is to make a temporary tattoo on them.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.