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Twisted Knee

Amigo G
If one experiences a discomfort in the knees while walking or running, it may be because of a twisted knee, caused during a sport or due to some injury like a blow on the knee. This Story provides some information about this condition, its causes and symptoms, and its treatment.
During activities such as walking, running, sports practice, dance practice, or if one happens to stumble upon any object while walking, it may injure the knee. Also, if the injury is more severe, it may cause sliding of the bone located in the knee joint. It is one of the most common leg injuries and can be cured easily if the treatment is started in time and the due care is taken. A sprain can be defined as wrenching of the ankle, whereas strain can be defined as deformation of the body under application of the force.
In case of knee injuries, sprain is much severe than strain. There are certain knee-related medical conditions which are caused due to sprain or strain on the knees. Acute knee injuries are categorized into injuries caused due to knees getting twisted or torn ligaments, anterior cruciate ligaments, torn meniscus, and knee fracture. Overuse of the knee can result in injuries which include knee bursitis, knee tendonitis, and muscle sprain.

Causes and Symptoms

In case of a knee getting twisted, the most commonly damaged ligament is ACL or anterior cruciate ligament situated in the center of the knee. It occurs due to overstretching of the ligament during sports activity or injury. During the injury, one would normally hear a popping sound.
The most common symptoms include bruising, inflammation, knee pain on movement, along with stiff knee. Tenderness in the knee is also observed. Activities like walking or pressure on the leg due to movement are painful and unstable. It is caused due to sliding of the bones in the knee joint.
To evaluate the degree of damage, a simple physical examination for knee pain diagnosis can be done. Press the knee gently to feel the pain. One can feel a little tenderness in the knee. Try to move the knee left and right, and up and down.
One would notice a little soreness while doing the movement. A twisted knee without swelling indicates comparatively lighter injury of grade 1 and is characterized by tenderness of the knee.If the knee appears a little hot on touching, or discolored, inflamed or bruised, along with pain on sustaining any weight, see the doctor immediately.
Inflammation indicate severe damage. To alleviate the discomfort, apply ice pack on the knee for temporary relief. It would reduce the inflammation and pain for some time.


The treatment for such an injury is termed as RICE, which is an acronym for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Rest includes avoiding movements which would put stress on the knee and avoiding exercises which involve running or walking and leg instruments in the gym. While walking, one could use a cane, to avoid pressure on the knee. Ice bag application helps reduce inflammation.
Wrap ice bag in a fabric and apply it on the knee for approximately 20 minutes and repeat 7-8 times a day. Compression includes pressing the knee with an elastic bandage. Make sure to not compress the knee too tight, as it would obstruct the blood flow. Knee braces also work for gentle knee compression. Elevate the knee for few times a day for a few days, till the pain subsides.
Follow the RICE treatment for 5-6 days. If the leg pain and inflammation still persists, the degree of damage would be severe and the doctor needs to decide the treatment and medication. If soreness alleviates within 4-5 days of RICE treatment, it's time to do some mild strengthening exercises of the tendons.
Fix a weight bag to the ankle, make sure that the weight is sustainable and try to lift or raise the foot, while sitting. Repeat this knee exercise for 10 times each in the morning, noon, and evening. Do the same exercise, trying to move the knee to the left and right, as well. This gentle exercise works best for tendon strengthening.
If the pain and discomfort does not alleviate within 4-5 days of the RICE treatment, one should consult the concerned doctor and start the treatment in time, else it can cause further complications.
Disclaimer: This Story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.