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Twitching Lip

Marlene Alphonse
Lip twitching, in most cases, may be a symptom of fatigue or stress. But the same may also indicate severe underlying medical conditions in the body.
Twitching lip, also known as lip fasciculations is caused due to abnormal and irregular contractions of the muscle fibers present in the area around lips. This contraction is involuntary and can also occur due to irritation, injury or stimulation of the nerve endings present in the muscles of the lips. Since this condition is common, many times a person tends to overlook the problem.

How to Prevent Lip Fasciculations

Though twitching in the lips is most often overlooked as 'something usual', it is essential to get to its root cause and undergo treatment. Seeing an increase in frequency of the twinging sensation, it is necessary to seek prompt medical intervention, for exact diagnosis.
Given below are some preventive measures to reduce or stop the occurrence of the jerky movements of the lips.
  • Proper care of the physical and mental condition of the body.
  • Reducing or avoiding intake of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages.
  • Applying a warm wet cloth to the surface of the lip where twitching occurs.
  • Reducing fatigue and stress by practicing yoga or stress buster exercises.
  • Eating a well-balanced meal and also including potassium rich foods like bananas, watermelon and other fruits and vegetables in the diet.
What Causes Twitching in Lips?

Withdrawal from drugs, cigarettes or alcohol.
Taking over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and stimulants.
Vent of emotions like excitement, fear or anger.
Nervousness or anxiety.
  • Severe fatigue or stress is also known to cause twitching of lips.
  • Muscle fatigue is also another common trigger for lip fasciculations.
  • Lack of electrolytes and a deficiency of potassium is also a causative factor for lip twitching.
  • Irritation of the facial nerve due to trauma or injuries.
  • Bell's palsy, which is the malfunction or dysfunction of the cranial nerve present in the facial muscles, is another known cause of lip fasciculations.
If you experience persistent or continuous twitching of lips, it can be due to some underlying serious health disorders. Here are some causes of persistent twitching of the lips.
  • A facial tic or spasm, which can be aggravated due to fatigue or stress is known to cause repeated motor movements in the face muscles, especially around the lips.
  • Hemifacial spasm, aggravated by anxiety, that occurs when a facial nerve gets compressed due to a tumor can cause involuntary facial movements like fasciculations.
  • Continual twitching of lips can also be caused due to drug induced or hysterical tremors.
  • Some other causes of persistent twitching include hypoparathyroidism, Parkinson's disease, Tourette's syndrome and DiGeorge syndrome.

Twitching Lip Symptoms

Symptoms of this lip problem are very evident and can be felt as slight tremors, which may radiate to the rest of the face as well.
A person experiencing twitching in the lips may show the following signs.
  • Involuntary and sudden contractions of the lip muscles.
  • Mild palpitation like movements especially on the upper lip.
  • Numbness and a feeling of frozen lips.
  • Curling sensation of the lip edges.
  • Repeated spasms occurring after a gap of few minutes.
Though twitching lip may not be a cause of concern, it sometimes can be an indication of some serious health problems. If you experience persistent lip twitching, it is advisable to consult a doctor who may diagnose the exact cause of this condition and administer appropriate treatment. Take care!
Disclaimer:The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.