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Twitching Right Eye

Dhanya Joy
Involuntary eyelid twitching occurs due to uncontrolled contractions of the muscles of the eyelids. Though many superstitious beliefs are associated with the twitching of eyelids, it may actually be a sign of eye strain, sleep deprivation or even a neurological condition.
Eyelid twitching is a common eye condition that is characterized by uncontrolled contractions of the eyelid muscles. It is medically referred to as myokymia. This condition affects the orbicularis oculi muscle, which is the muscle that allows us to blink or close our eyes. Usually uncontrolled contractions are unilateral.

Though this condition mostly involves the lower eyelid, the upper eyelid could also get affected. Medical experts consider myokymia to be a benign condition that is self-limiting in nature. More often than not, these intermittent involuntary movements of the eyelids last for a few minutes. However these may sometimes last for a few hours or a couple of days.
Twitching in the Right Eye


The fine fasciculation or involuntary spasms of the eyelid muscles are usually not associated with any disease. However, certain factors can act as triggers.
These include:
» Stress
» Fatigue
» Eye strain
» Sleep deprivation
» High caffeine intake
» Irritation in the cornea or in the conjunctiva of the eye
» Nutritional deficiency
» Dry eyes
» The affected individual should cut down on the intake of caffeine.
» It is essential to reduce eye strain. Since working on computers or watching television for long hours can trigger eyelid twitching, it would be best to take breaks.
» Since sleep deprivation is a triggering factor, the affected person must get adequate sleep. This will relax the fatigued muscles of the body.
» Application of warm compresses on the eyes can also prove beneficial.
Benign Essential Blepharospasm

Benign essential blepharospasm (BEB) is a medical condition that is characterized by uncontrolled muscle contractions involving the muscles around the eyes. Most people confuse myokymia with blepharospasm, which is a medical condition that is characterized by rapid and involuntary blinking of the eyelids.
Excessive blinking may be accompanied by dryness and photosensitivity. Facial muscles could also get affected later. Though the symptoms associated with this condition usually resolve in a few days, in rare cases, the muscle spasms force the eyelid to close shut, thereby causing temporary functional blindness.
Treatment: In mild cases, drug therapy, use of botox injections and biofeedback may be recommended for treating this condition. Instilling lubricant eye drops can also help in treating dryness that may accompany these spasms.
Hemifacial Spasm
Also referred to as tic convulsif, hemifacial spasm is a neurological condition that can cause intermittent spasms of the eyelid muscle on one side of the face.This condition occurs when the seventh cranial nerve gets compressed by a blood vessel or a growth.
Since the facial nerve controls the muscles that facilitate the movement of eyebrows, mouth, lips, and allows us to close our eyes, compression of this nerve causes involuntary contractions of facial muscles.
A facial injury could also trigger this condition. In a majority of cases, twitching is first felt around the lower eyelid. Later, spasms are felt around the affected side of the face.
Treatment: The treatment usually involves drug therapy and use of botox injections. Anticonvulsant drugs and muscle relaxants may be prescribed for alleviating the symptoms. However, these may give rise to certain side effects. At times, a surgical procedure called microvascular decompression may be recommended.
Though you may have come across old wives' tales or superstitious beliefs about twitching in the right as well as the left eye bringing good luck or bad luck, the uncontrolled contractions of the eyelid muscles are triggered by factors such as eye strain, stress, sleep deprivation, etc.
So, the next time your right eye twitches, do not think about such superstitious beliefs and worry. Just relax and be optimistic, as these are mere superstitions that can have psychological effects only if you believe in them.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.