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Types of Bronchitis

Komal Bakhru
A medical condition where there is an inflammation of the main air passages to the lungs, there are two types of bronchitic infections that a person could be affected by. Read further to find out what they are, and how they could be taken care of.
When a person suffers from bronchitis, it means that the lining of his bronchial tubes is affected by some inflammation. The bronchial tubes are those which act as the connecting airway between the trachea (commonly known as the windpipe) and the lungs.

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Due to this inflammation, there is a possibility of the lung tissues facing constant irritation, thus producing more mucus. This happens mainly because, coughing, which is one of the major symptoms of bronchitis, leads to getting rid of secretions from the lungs. But what are the different bronchitic infections?
There are basically two bronchitic infections that adults and children could get affected by, i.e., acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. We'll take a closer look at each of these kinds of bronchitis, in order to comprehend the difference between each of them.

Variations of Bronchitis

As mentioned above, there are two kinds of bronchitis that adults or even children could be faced with, we'll work one at a time, and take a closer look at each of them.

Acute Bronchitis

A common form of bronchitis which is caused by either virus or bacteria, acute bronchitis could last for either a short period, such as a few days, or even longer, thus, going up to weeks. One of the main causes of bronchitis is the contractible pathogens. The way to detect this type of bronchitis, very evidently, is by judging the symptoms.
Common symptoms of acute bronchitis are-
  • cough
  • cold
  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • fever
  • shortness of breath.
But not every cough and cold is bronchitis, so how does one identify the difference? Here's how... Normally, a cold only affects the nasal passage, or the throat, and sometimes the mouth. Bronchitis on the other hand, is more particularly about the inflammation of the bronchial tubes. 
Also, in case of a cough, a mere dry cough may not mean much, but if there is an occurrence of mucus, the likelihood of this respiratory disorder is higher.
If you know that you've been affected by it, the best fix for acute bronchitis is antibiotics or whatever is thought of as most suitable by a doctor. However, it is crucial to get it treated at the right time before it leads to pneumonia, or chronic bronchitis.

Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis, which is a kind of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is undoubtedly more intense in comparison to the aforementioned. It could go on to lasting for anything between a couple of months, to a couple of years. The causes for this type of respiratory disorder could be anything ranging from allergies to exposure to pollutants in the air.
Some such common pollutants are, chemicals, dust in the air, or perhaps one of the most obvious, cigarette smoke. But how does one identify the possibility of being affected by chronic bronchitis? Identifying the signs of chronic bronchitis are important in order to get treated for it. 
Some of the common signs and symptoms are-
  • persistent cough
  • fever
  • chest pain
  • wheezing
  • shortness of breath.
If you think that you've been experiencing these symptoms in excess, it would be a good idea to get yourself checked by a doctor, so as to get an accurate diagnosis. Treatment for COPD is most often symptom specific. It normally varies from something as basic as antibiotics and vaccine shots, to steroids or other medication in the form of aerosol sprays, which are to be inhaled orally. In extreme cases, surgery may also be resorted to. Also, the medication provided should work in accordance with the health and age of the patient.
These were the basics regarding bronchitis amongst adults. In case of children too, it is the same two types, the difference being that for kids it could often result in asthma. The other risks that come with it, in terms of diseases are, chickenpox, measles, or scarlet fever and whooping cough.
Since children are more prone to contracting an illness, care must be taken. Keeping them away from pollution, cigarette or tobacco smoke, and maintaining high sanitary conditions are good ways. Healthy food habits must be maintained too. Working on the bare minimum mentioned here will definitely reduce the risk of a child getting affected by bronchitis.
All said and done, it isn't only kids whose health needs to be taken care of. Your health is just as important. Trying to stay away from people who are already affected by the illness, and taking other precautionary steps will definitely help prevent you from this respiratory disorder.